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单词 discipline
释义 Word family  noun disciplinarian discipline adjective disciplinary disciplined ≠ undisciplined verb discipline  dis·ci·pline1 /ˈdɪsɪplɪn/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun  1  [uncountable]OBEY a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behaviour and obey rules 训练,管教 The book gives parents advice on discipline. 这本书指导父母如何管教孩子。 serious discipline problems in the police force 警察队伍内严重的纪律问题2  [uncountable]CONTROL the ability to control your own behaviour, so that you do what you are expected to do 自制力 Working from home requires a good deal of discipline. 在家上班要有很强的自制力。 → self-discipline3  [countable, uncountable]CONTROLLEARN a way of training your mind or learning to control your behaviour 〔思想或行为的〕纪律,训练 Martial arts teach respect, discipline, and cooperation. 武术能教人尊重他人、遵守纪律并且相互合作。discipline for Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory. 背诗是训练记忆力的一种好方法。4. [countable]SUBJECT an area of knowledge or teaching, especially one such as history, chemistry, mathematics etc that is studied at a university 〔尤指大学的〕专业,科目n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + disciplinegood/strong/firm discipline (=clear rules that people understand and must obey)Without good discipline in a school, the standard of teaching suffers.strict discipline (=very firm and not always reasonable or kind)Some parents complained about the school's strict discipline.poor discipline (=not enough clear and firm rules)Problems tend to arise in families where there is poor disciplinea government report into how to improve school disciplinemilitary discipline (=the kind of strict discipline imposed in the army)I hated the army and the routine of military discipline.verbskeep discipline (also maintain discipline formal) (=make people obey the rules)A good teacher knows how to maintain discipline.enforce discipline (=make people obey the rules, especially by using punishment)It is entirely for your own good that we enforce discipline.phrasesa lack of disciplineThe principal never tolerated a lack of discipline.a breach of discipline formal (=an act of not obeying the rules)Being absent without permission was a breach of discipline. discipline + NOUNa discipline problem (=a problem with the students' behaviour in a school)Successful schools have fewer discipline problems.Examples from the Corpusdiscipline• Disciplines such as yoga improve mental and physical fitness.• History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century.• The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies.• Most of us were brought up to accept discipline, and to discipline ourselves.• Differences between disciplines are not, of course, hard and fast even though, at times, they can become crucial.• Employees who joined the strike face discipline.• Many schools are lacking in discipline.• To make more out of it may require a tremendous amount of creative work within the individual disciplines.• Today such inferences about the origins of language can draw on a vast assemblage of data and hypotheses in neighbouring disciplines.• He certainly doesn't have to submit to normal disciplines!• a new artificial intelligence project involving researchers from a wide range of disciplines• Each distinctive type should be subject to a rigorous set of explicit rules of discipline.• Windell's book gives parents advice on discipline.• The lack of party discipline can lead to some extraordinary ticket splitting.• Why not drop the discipline of mandatory celibacy?discipline problems• Passive-aggressive children are rarely viewed as discipline problems by school authorities, since their hostility toward authority is so indirect.• Did they tend to be the students who caused discipline problems in the classroom?• Thus, the overwhelming majority of work-inhibited students are not considered discipline problems.• Schools of choice have lower dropout rates, fewer discipline problems, better student attitudes, and higher teacher satisfaction.• It was also a period when discipline problems were appearing in the rear and were widely re-ported in the press.• The school Littky came to was plagued with discipline problems.discipline2 ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  PUNISHto punish someone in order to keep order and control 惩处,处罚 The officers were later disciplined. 那些官员后来受到了处罚。2  OBEYCONTROLto teach someone to obey rules and control their behaviour 训练,管教 Different cultures have different ways of disciplining their children. 不同的文化有不同的管教孩子的方法。3  discipline yourself (to do something) CONTROLto control the way you work, how regularly you do something etc, because you know it is good for you 严格要求自己,约束自己(去做某事) Try to discipline yourself to write every day. 要想办法约束自己每天写作。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdiscipline• Even when Morton and Collins started fighting on the field, neither player was disciplined.• The international financial markets stand ready to discipline and expose fraudulent governments.• Disciplining children takes patience and consistency.• Six workers were disciplined last year for not doing their jobs.• Anyone who is regularly late for work is likely to be disciplined or dismissed.• Are we prepared to discipline ourselves to restrictions and regulations that we feel we ought to impose for our own good?• Officers are expected to discipline soldiers who do not keep their uniforms in good condition.• Sparta disciplined the Phukians, but found herself in a trap.Origin discipline1 (1200-1300) Old French descepline, from Latin disciplina “teaching, learning”, from discipulus; → DISCIPLEdis·ci·pline1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1discipline2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  training a Corpus of so they way that someone




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