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单词 ferocious
释义  fe·ro·cious /fəˈrəʊʃəs $ -ˈroʊ-/ ●○○ adjective  1  VIOLENTviolent, dangerous, and frightening 凶猛的,凶残的;可怕的 SYN fierce a ferocious, hungry lion 一头凶猛的饿狮 a ferocious battle 残酷的战役 The storm grew more and more ferocious with each second. 风暴每一秒钟都在加剧。► see thesaurus at violent2  VERYvery strong, severe, and unpleasant 狂暴的;猛烈的;使人不舒服的 SYN fierce The congressman is one of the president’s most ferocious critics. 那位众议员是批评总统最激烈的人之一。 The heat was ferocious. 热浪逼人。 He is famous for his ferocious temper. 他脾气暴躁是出了名的。3  relating to an emotion that is felt very strongly 〔感情〕十分强烈的 SYN fierce Parker was driven by a ferocious determination to succeed. 帕克被一种必胜的信念驱动着。 —ferociously adverbExamples from the Corpusferocious• Gang members have committed ferocious acts of violence.• Competition is ferocious among card issuers for new accounts.• Their faces were ferocious and intent.• It was one of the most ferocious attacks on prison officers I have ever seen.• The tiger is a ferocious beast which has already killed ten villagers.• These bears look ferocious, but attacks by them are extremely rare.• Defence lawyers claimed that the shooting was a spontaneous reaction, ferocious, but not part of a plan.• Ferocious competition has pushed computer prices down.• The ferocious defense actually would have begun long before the actual landings.• a ferocious hammerhead shark• Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.• My parents, similarly attired, were replacing the lean-to in the ferocious wind.• Fascinating Gubbio is best known as the place where Saint Francis tamed a ferocious wolf.Origin ferocious (1600-1700) Latin ferox “wild-looking”, from ferus “wild”fe·ro·cious adjectiveChineseSyllable  dangerous, and frightening Corpus violent,




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