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单词 ending
释义 Word family  noun end ending adjective unending endless verb end adverb endlessly  Related topics: Literature, Grammarend·ing /ˈendɪŋ/ ●●○ noun  1  ALEND[countable] the way that a story, film, activity etc finishes 〔故事、电影、活动等的〕结局,结尾happy/perfect/surprise etc ending a story with a happy ending 结局美满的故事ending to Coffee is the perfect ending to a meal. 咖啡是餐后的最佳饮品。2  [uncountable] when a process stops or is finished, or when you finish it 〔过程的〕终结,结束ending of the first elections since the ending of the dictatorship 独裁统治结束后的首次选举3  SLG[countable] the last part of a word 词尾 Verbal nouns have the ending -ing. 动名词以-ing结尾。 → never-endingExamples from the Corpusending• Thankfully, the story had a happy ending.• The story has a happy ending.• Try perhaps to write a happy ending for this world and the people in it.• I love those old Hollywood movies with happy endings.• Go back to Part Three, which was supposed to provide the original ending.• Gerunds have the ending "-ing."• In the Spanish version of this story, the ending is completely different.• The background to this was the ending of the cycle boom in the previous year.• The ending we gave above, ... because she had seen what had happened, makes she refer to Diane.happy/perfect/surprise etc ending• It was a lovely night and a perfect ending for our trip.• It is here that the story closes, and it is given a happy ending.• Thankfully, the story had a happy ending.• Fortunately, this ridiculous tale had a happy ending.• Still, the tale has a happy ending.• It's not my idea of a happy ending.• In addition, a reader for whom a happy ending is essential may not care for some of Joan Aiken. 4.• So far, the hyponatremia cases have all had happy endings.end·ing nounChineseSyllable  way that a story, activity Corpus the film,




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