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单词 dressed
释义 Word family  noun dress dresser dressing adjective dressed ≠ undressed dressy verb dress ≠ undress  Related topics: Clothes & fashiondressed /drest/ adjective  1  get dressed DCPUT ON CLOTHESto put your clothes on 穿好衣服 Go and get dressed! 去把衣服穿好!2  DChaving your clothes on or wearing a particular type of clothes 穿好衣服的;穿着〔某种〕服装的 Aren’t you dressed yet? 你还没有穿好衣服吗?half/fully dressed She lay down fully dressed on the bed. 她和衣躺在床上。smartly/well-/elegantly etc dressed a very well-dressed young man 穿着很体面的小伙子dressed in She was dressed in a two-piece suit. 她穿着一身两件套的套装。dressed as The children came dressed as animals. 孩子们穿成动物的样子来了。3. dressed to kill informalDC wearing very attractive clothes so that everyone notices and admires you 穿得引人注目的,打扮得非常漂亮的4. dressed (up) to the nines informalDC wearing your best or most formal clothes 穿着盛装的,衣饰华丽的n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: having your clothes on or wearing a particular type of clothesadverbswell-dressed (=wearing nice clothes of good quality)The restaurant was full of well-dressed couples.smartly/elegantly/beautifully/neatly etc dressedThere was a smartly dressed man with a briefcase at the door.fully dressed (=with all your clothes on)She was so tired that she went to bed fully dressed.half dressed (=not having finished putting your clothes on)Don’t come in – I’m only half dressed!fashionably dressed (=wearing clothes that are fashionable)Most teenagers want to be fashionably dressed.immaculately/impeccably dressed (=perfectly dressed in smart clothes)He was immaculately dressed in a grey suit and a blue tie.casually dressed (=wearing informal clothes)Luke was casually dressed in jeans and a white shirt.properly/suitably dressed (=wearing suitable clothes for something)It’s important to be properly dressed if you are walking in the mountains.badly dressed (=not well dressed)The prime minister’s been criticized for being badly dressed.shabbily/scruffily dressed (=wearing clothes that are old and untidy)A dirty, shabbily dressed man was sitting on the bench.Examples from the Corpusdressed• The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt, dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego.• She was paralysed, couldn't focus, knew that Gran couldn't hurry herself getting dressed and needed help.• I got dressed and they got slightly worse.• The pavements are packed to overflowing with spectators and yet more immaculately dressed clown children.• She is all style, all form, all impeccably dressed dandy and wit, with never a tear out of place.• How, for example, should one handle the dressed fleas and their garments in terms of a computer record?• And let me explain what I meant by that silly passage in my last letter, about expensively dressed girls.• While waiting they are pleasantly confronted by what must be one of the prettiest and best dressed greengrocers in the country.smartly/well-/elegantly etc dressed• The same guidelines apply as at more conventional interviews, including presenting yourself confidently and being smartly dressed.• A smartly dressed female presenter has to field calls from a small audience and international callers.• He was flurried, middle-aged, but smartly dressed in a blue suit.• He was smartly dressed in a white shirt and dark trousers.• He was particularly smartly dressed in black trousers and waistcoat, white shirt and red bow-tie.• Each has a young, smartly dressed teacher in front of a blackboard.• They were more elegantly dressed, the kingfisher blue of their jackets matching the colour of the big sky overhead.• Elegantly restored ballroom that plays house, garage and disco to a smartly dressed, trendy crowd-no jeans or trainers.dressed adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  put Corpus to your clothes on




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