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单词 amok
释义  a·mok /əˈmɒk $ əˈmɑːk/ (also amuck) adverb  run amok a) VIOLENTto suddenly behave in a very violent and uncontrolled way 狂乱,发狂 Drunken troops ran amok in the town. 喝醉酒的士兵在镇上撒野。 b) to get out of control and cause a lot of problems 失控 an age in which global capitalism has run amok 全球资本主义大行其道的时代Examples from the Corpusamok• There is the pop psychology of the day, run amok.• There were Peace Rallies in the 1960s, with stone-throwing anarchists running amok.• I think Mum worried that I might run amok and stick my penknife straight into Katie.• A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.• With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.Origin amok (1500-1600) Malaya·mok adverbChineseSyllable  uncontrolled violent a very suddenly way Corpus and behave in to




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