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单词 second person
释义  Related topics: Grammarˌsecond ˈperson noun [singular] technical  SLGa form of a verb or pronoun that is used to show the person you are speaking to. For example, ‘you’ is a second person pronoun, and ‘are’ is the second person singular and plural of the verb ‘to be’. 第二人称 → first person, third personExamples from the Corpussecond person• Questions typically come from a first person speaker and are addressed to a second person hearer.• Every second person in the world has got them.• Known as a Customer Assistant, the second person performs the former guards' duties.• The divinity of the second person of the trinity is then understood with reference to the other two persons of the trinity.• The dream itself has no meaning; the effect it has on the second person tells a great deal about that person.• Doctors believe that Jensen is only the second person with Down syndrome to receive a heart and lung transplant.• In situations where the second person was the farmer's wife there could be physical limitations to the amount of assistance given.• The second person stood with his right foot and right shoulder against the wall.ˌsecond ˈperson nounChineseSyllable  that a a or verb is Corpus form of pronoun




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