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单词 digest
释义  Related topics: Biology, Fooddi·gest1 /daɪˈdʒest, də-/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  HBDFto change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use 消化〔食物〕 Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily. 大多数婴儿能轻易地消化很多种食物。 → ingest2  UNDERSTANDto understand new information, especially when there is a lot of it or it is difficult to understand 理解,领悟,消化〔尤指大量新信息或难以理解的信息〕 SYN take in I struggled to digest the news. 我费力地琢磨着那条新闻。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdigest• By the end of the day, I had a lot of new information to digest.• Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.• You shouldn't go swimming until your food has had a chance to digest.• Pasta contains complex carbohydrates so takes time to be digested.• In the most organic, visceral way possible they now felt bonded with utter intimacy to their Chapter, digested by it.• Some babies can't digest cow's milk.• He could describe how insects digest food and how thunderstorms happened.• The volume of documentation that must be digested is staggering.• Yogurt is a good source of calcium for anyone, but especially good for people who have trouble digesting milk.• They need time to digest radical change, otherwise their immediate reaction is negative.• The pub went silent as the villagers digested the news.• It took a while to digest the theory.• Athletes such as Boris Becker are fans of the fruit because it is easily digested to provide an instant energy high.Related topics: Literaturedi·gest2 /ˈdaɪdʒest/ noun [countable]  SUMMARIZEa short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report etc 摘要,概要,文摘Examples from the Corpusdigest• If you'd rather receive your mail in large batches than have it trickle through, request a digest where available.• Most providers provide archive and digest service for the customer mailing list.• The figures came in Social Trends, the official annual digest of facts and figures about life in Britain.• Many of these works contain important statistical material, but there exist also many purely statistical digests and collections.Origin digest1 (1300-1400) Latin digestus, past participle of digerere “to carry apart, arrange, digest”di·gest1 verbdi·gest2 nounChineseSyllable  you that eaten to have Corpus food just change




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