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单词 Pagan
(1) Christian churches are still full of pagan symbolism.
(2) The people worshipped pagan gods.
(3) The Easter egg has both pagan and Christian origins.
(4) The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.
(5) The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world.
(6) Namely, the inevitable decline of pagan myth.
(7) Another pagan survival is the maypole.
(8) In pagan cults there were two Kinds of sacrifices.
(9) This, together with the re-emergence of pagan myth in general, fostered the full sunshine of the High Renaissance.
(10) A young woman whose pagan father locked her in a tower before leaving on a long journey.
(11) To the east of Frisia were the pagan Saxons[/pagan.html], a diffuse and essentially nomadic conglomeration of tribes.
(12) Upper-class Christians were indistinguishable from their pagan fellows in their life-style.
(13) They generally symbolize pagan religion and particularly the presence of a goddess and priestesses.
(14) Pagan and I are happily married, with babies as well as jobs.
(15) Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.
(16) He realized how narrow was the gap separating him from his pagan ancestors.
(17) We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony.
(18) His spiritual advisers were none too happy with his reliance on pagan practices, nor probably was his court favourite Buckingham.
(19) The two settled their lances, rode at each other, and the pagan knight was slain.
(20) When the siblings realized that the pottery was to be used in pagan rituals, they smashed the entire stock to pieces.
(21) It is a testimony to the fundamental nature of pagan beliefs and practices that they have survived centuries of persecution.
(22) He found himself before the emperor a second time, after torching a pagan idol; his punishment was a severe flogging.
(23) She and her confessor ran away from her incestuous father, a pagan chieftain.
(24) According to legend, Eurosia was a maiden of noble birth, who was promised to a pagan.
(25) There are two other villas with unusual features which could possibly be associated with pagan cults.
(26) We could do the sort of like, I was just thinking, weird pagan things.
(27) Maurice and his legion, Gereon and his soldiers reftised to worship pagan gods before battle.
(28) Her main hypothesis is the iconographical and cultic continuity between pagan goddesses and the Black Virgins.
(29) The spruce branch fell to the floor and the ivy wound itself around her neck like some pagan wreath.
(30) Recently when a gang stole some large buddha images from the temple complex at Pagan, the whole country was outraged.
(31) It is not unlikely that many others may have either originated as pagan statuettes or have been inspired by them.
(32) They still clung to many of their old pagan beliefs and practices.
(33) Justin was martyred along with five other men and a woman for reftising to worship pagan gods.
(34) Stone monuments from tenth and eleventh century Northumbria sometimes contain scenes from pagan myth and legend.
(35) The pagan Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are much easier to date because of the larger number of artefacts found in them as grave-goods.
(36) Some were no doubt replacements for periodic meetings at pagan sites or in cemeteries with crosses.
(37) The first church here is believed to have been built in the fifth-century on the site of a pagan temple to Apollo.
(38) We can not allow pagan concepts to influence our character development.
(39) They eventually succeeded in reversing the roles of the pagan religions and their own by taking the offensive.
(40) The pagan contemporaries of Constantine were not wrong in saying that he had carried through a huge religious and social revolution.
(41) The rest are more like the pagan gods - supermen and super women.
(42) Whitman, called a pagan by the church people, shared the note with which Melville ended[sentence dictionary], one of disappointed hopes.
(43) Not even the grimmest phantoms of pagan imagination are wantonly malignant.
(44) Primitive and Pagan myth comprise the East and West winds of mythology.
(45) Ovid the Augustan outcast opened up a silvery perspective of pagan myth for succeeding generations to enjoy.
(46) Lapp shamans used to eat the mushroom during the midwinter pagan ceremonies of Annual Renewal.
(47) Rape is a staple in pagan myth, and killing still more commonplace.
(48) When missionaries first reached Santa's native Lapland, they found a thriving pagan myth of reindeer flight.
(49) There are also churches built on pagan sites which have standing stones in the churchyard.
(50) We have every reason to be grateful for both sorts, as well as for pagan and primitive myth.
(51) This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
(52) Within a generation or two aristocratic Christians were pursuing the same interests as their pagan ancestors.
(53) Swore like a trooper, drank like a pagan, smoked like a bomber descending to earth.
(54) The tale is inherently a most unlikely one, uniting a pious lady with a pagan fertility ritual.
(55) Note the little half-moon windows and the niches with their statues of pagan gods.
(56) Even after a thousand years or more, evidence of pagan beliefs is still widespread in churches.
(57) Not only in its primitive and pagan aspects, but also in sacred and scientific form.
(58) Institutions, customs, political and cultural traditions stemming from a long pagan past, were still very much alive in it.
(59) They had stumbled in upon what was quite clearly nothing less than a pagan sacrifice.
(60) Tuesday, Rana Kern again called those allegations preposterous, and said that as a pagan she worships the Earth.
(61) The end is no wild and glorious pagan racket, but rather a noble, meticulously layered paean.
(62) Constantine's position was not so surprising in an essentially pagan potentate of warlike disposition.
(63) And I read that many cathedrals were built on ancient pagan sites, which in turn were built over underground streams.
(64) From 326 onwards pagan temples began to suffer the gradual loss of old endowments.
(65) In retaliation, the emperor gathered fifty pagan scholars, then challenged her to a religious debate.
(66) Atheism is virtually unknown in pagan and rural societies, but this new rationalism will usher it into the modern world.
(67) Even in translation, strange to say, pagan myth is little-read today.
(68) However, he would have been shocked to know of the pagan pleasure in nature and pretty womanhood experienced by Angel.
(69) That pagan did not believe in Christ.
(70) That is really pagan fatalism.
(70) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(71) Scratch the christian and you find the pagan spoil.
(72) The priest grafted pagan rites upon Christian usage.
(73) It has been suggested that it is linked to pre-Christian celebrations of a fruitful harvest and that the male goat or 'Puck' was a pagan symbol of fertility, like the pagan god Pan.
(74) While the name implies a Christian origin , its beginnings are clearly Pagan.
(75) He finds a severed hand (Solomon's) marked with Masonic symbols, pointing to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. This is certainly terrible.
(76) Much of this tradition derives from the pagan festival of Beltane.
(77) I watched from afar as coupled pairs of my peers would walk beneath the cracked window of my lab in the Pagan Hall biology department.
(78) But do we embrace our freedom and leave this pagan empire to embrace our destiny?
(79) It approved pagan religion, baby killing, sexual perversion, and other evils.
(80) But Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god.
(81) It tends to assume the form of a pagan religious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local church.
(82) Ephesus prospered for several centuries, but when Christianity came to the region, people began to abandon the pagan religion of Artemis.
(83) They had all heard or read enough of pagan religious systems, which incorporated cannibalistic practices, and wanted nothing to do with this. "His ego has exploded", they must have thought.
(84) But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts.
(85) And in Catholicism, which had ties to pagan religion in any way, sex was not ruled out of the gustiness, the enjoyment of sex, it has to be controlled by the church. It had marriage.
(86) The paper is supposed to reveal, from the pagan culture perspectives, the archetypal image:the Great Mother, through the analysis of The Grapes of Wrath of the American novelist John Steinbeck.
(87) Brennan: Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication, naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits.
(88) Serving alongside their like minded comrades in the Teutonic Order, Sword Brethren seek to remove the Pagan presense from Livonia and the surrounding regions.
(89) Tabor re - appears in history no more as a stone quarry but as a pagan sanctuary.
(90) Certainly there seemed little harmony between this pagan literature and the medieval colleges at Christminster.
(91) Belief of their own pagan, is the only non - Christians after Constantine emperor.
(92) I have consistently and quite fervently been bashing evolution, which is a blood-thirsty, pagan religion masquerading as science.
(93) The church chose December 25 for a Christian holy day in the hope of giving Christian meaning to existing pagan celebratio of the winter solstice.
(94) Saturnalia was considered a festive time for Romans, but Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god.
(95) It's one thing for the evil pagan deities like Moloch and Peor to be forced in to hell by the newly born Christ.
(96) In 394 AD, the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius abolished the games, as pagan festivals.
(97) Since pagan Rome already celebrated the birth of Mithra on December 25th...
(98) Ahab's pagan consort Jezebel carefully planned and craftily executed, she got two scoundrels to bring false charges against Naboth.
(99) It is commonly believed that the church chose this date in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival.
(100) Think of the so-called Bonfire of the Vanities in 1497,[] when Girolamo Savonarola and his band of religious followers roundly collected and set fire to mounds of "pagan" literature.
(101) The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.
(102) Christmas is an adaptation of the Pagan feast of Yule.
(103) These are things that are very common in polytheistic and pagan practices.
(104) It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods, Osiris, Jupiter, and Plutus, or the ancient deified leader Nimrod, was celebrated.
(105) For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge .
(106) The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
(107) In medieval Europe, however, the celebrations accompanying the new year were considered pagan and unchristian like, and in 567 the Council of Tours abolished January 1 as the beginning of the year.
(108) After suffering defeat and near annihilation at the hands of Pagan forces, those few members of the Livonian Order who survived the Battle of Saule now fight alongside the Teutonic Order.
(109) The result is that we have adopted a pagan view to sex.
(110) Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?
(111) He had a weak personality - always under the influence of his pagan wife, Jezebel.
(112) Tip: Pagan Shaman can cast spells which speed their allies up.
(113) Tip: The Pagan tribes are populated by both humans and beastmen.
(114) In the Christian dispensation the neighbour is not only one of the true faith, but the schismatic , the outcast, and the pagan.
(115) But you will never see mistletoe in a Christian church - it is banned because of its associations with pagan religion and superstition.
(116) In a related fashion, this is probably why verse 21 speaks of the unnamed "great sea creatures, " which played such a prominent role in pagan religion.
(117) First, British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi - pagan creed.
(118) In Germany, people honored pagan god Oden during the mid - winter holiday.
(119) Gan south ghost's teaching is the collateral branch that Anne's soul taught from thou, but you five Dou rices way taught to sacred Anne's soul to say to is a pagan religion.
(120) In an effort to do away with the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery. Instead of the names of young women, the box would contain the names of saints.
(121) In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them."
(122) Frankincense was associated with prayers and burned on pagan altars in Rome, Persia, Babylon, and Assyria.
(123) In 393 A . D . Emperor Theodosius I , who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows.
(124) The ecclesiastical purple and the pagan orange symbolising the symbiosis in marriage.
(125) City tip: The Keepers leave glyph markings outside Hammer and Pagan territory.
(126) It has to do with that Greek Bacchic , whole Pagan ritualistic thing, " said Royce Chen '01,[] a former SOB."
(127) The unity of the ancient, pagan world consisted of the divinization of the temporal order in the form of the state.
(128) The original forced conversion of pagan Livonia, what is now the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, was carried out by a military order known as the Brethren of the Sword.
(129) Pagan religions contain theogonies, birth of a god, "theogony", accounts of the births of gods. Now this impersonal primordial realm, Kaufman declares, contains the seeds of all beings.
(130) Over the years I played with Ouija boards, contacted 'spirit guides' (not realising they were demons), read tarot cards and participated in pagan rituals in devotion to a false deity (the goddess).
(131) Second, he says, because humans also emerge ultimately from this primordial realm there's a confusion of the boundary between he chooses the word "confusion"--that's common in pagan religion.
(132) Rather , sports during the early colonial times were seen as pagan and devilish things to do.
(133) The shamanist poetry with its pagan perceptions, belonging to the past rather than the present, of her birthplace and the nature and life of her village, attracted much attention.
(134) It is widely believed that Boniface IV did this to co-opt the pagan Celtic holdouts into Christianity.
(135) One of the Beltane rites , called "Hand Fasting, " is in fact the pagan version of the modern marriage ceremony.
(136) The Witch-cult is the term for a hypothetical pre-Christian, pagan religion of Europe that allegedly survived into at least the early modern period.




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