随便看 |
- at second hand
- (at) second/third/fourth hand
- at sharp
- at short notice
- at sixes and sevens
- at somebody's bidding
- at somebody's disposal
- at somebody's expense
- at somebody's heels
- at somebody's instance
- at somebody's instigation
- at (some/great etc) length
- at some length
- at stake
- at state level
- AT&T
- attaboy
- attach
- attach a condition
- attach a condition to
- attach a condition (to something)
- attach a condition to something
- attach a condition to sth
- attach a label to
- attach a label to sb
- Returnee
- Offering price
- Lightning strike
- Complexation
- Genic
- Stowe
- Unfinished business
- Diamond wedding
- Frenchwoman
- Quasiparticle
- 以汤止沸的意思,以汤止沸造句
- 以沉默表示抗拒和排斥
- 以沫相濡是什么意思
- 以沫相濡是什么意思
- 以治待乱,以静待哗
- 以法服人,其外若密,其中实疏;以德结人,其外虽疏,其中实密
- 以泪洗面·苦不堪言是什么意思
- 以淡定平和的心态处世
- 以淮南叛楚归汉,汉用得大司马殷[1],卒破子羽于垓下.》鉴赏
- 以清俭自律,以恩信待人,以夷坦去群疑,以礼让汰惨急。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 以清纯之心对旧友
- 以温柔换取温柔,以尊重赢得尊重
- 以激为直,以浅为诚,皆贤者之过。
- 以激而发者,必以无激而废,此不自涵养中来,算不得有根本底学者。涵养中人,遇当为之事,来得不陡,若懒若迟,持得甚坚,不移不歇。彼攘臂抵掌而任天下之事,难说不是义气,毕竟到尽头处不全美。
- 以火灭火
- Harrowing句子
- Wardrobe句子
- Canonised句子
- Brace句子
- Hothead句子
- Snore句子
- Yelling句子
- Ecologist句子
- Earthy句子
- Dwindle句子
- Philadelphia句子
- Pugilist句子
- Designed句子
- Approbation句子
- Proponent句子