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单词 dialect
释义  Related topics: Languagesdi·a·lect /ˈdaɪəlekt/ ●●○ noun [countable, uncountable]  SLLa form of a language which is spoken only in one area, with words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language 方言,地方话,土语 → accentChinese/Yorkshire etc dialect The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect. 那里的人讲的是一种藏语方言。 the local dialect 当地方言Examples from the Corpusdialect• He spoke a dialect of French that I found hard to understand.• a dialect of Arabic• A dialect is a form of a language, and every form of any language is a dialect of it.• But Wordsworth does not use any dialect expression, so that this difficulty need not be exaggerated.• But dialect features are not errors in this sense at all, but are characteristics of a pupil's native language.• Warning: Viewers may have trouble understanding some characters' dialects.• At home, they speak in dialect.• Many of the campesinos were illiterate; some spoke only their local dialects.• "Nowt" is a northern dialect word meaning "nothing".• You have a wonderful, happy combination of the northern dialects!• Such a personal dialect or variety is usually termed an idiolect.• Information was clearly presented, including the follow-up procedures, with translation into the patient's dialect when necessary.• In this region, the dialect sounds a lot like German.• In some Yorkshire dialects, people say "spice" instead of "sweets" or "candy".local dialect• The information will be collected through collaborative teacher-pupil classroom projects on local dialect.• The narrator uses the local dialect where necessary.• Many of the campesinos were illiterate; some spoke only their local dialects.Origin dialect (1500-1600) French dialecte, from Greek dialektos “conversation, dialect”, from dialegesthai “to talk to someone”di·a·lect nounChineseSyllable  a which language in of Corpus form a spoken only is




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