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单词 diagonal
释义  Related topics: Maths, Shapes, patternsdi·ag·o·nal /daɪˈæɡənəl/ ●○○ adjective  1. HMHMa diagonal line is straight and joins two opposite corners of a flat shape, usually a square 对角的,对角线的 → horizontal, vertical2  CFfollowing a sloping angle 斜角的 diagonal parking spaces 斜线停车位 —diagonal noun [countable] —diagonally adverb The path goes diagonally across the field. 这条小径斜穿过田地。Examples from the Corpusdiagonal• Horizontal or diagonal branches produce more flowering shoots, and therefore more fruit, than vertical ones.• He drew a diagonal line across the page• For a diagonal matrix D having all its diagonal elements different, it follows that C must then also be diagonal.• This equation has a different, but still diagonal, metric tensor.• Patterns include lots of stripes, many of them worked in diagonal or chevron patterns.• On the white-painted wall of the lobby were several outsize representations of lighted cigarettes with a diagonal red line drawn through them.• New dimensions Adding diagonal ribbons creates a new dimension.• Forward seat belts each comprised a two-piece lap strap, fastened by a buckle, and an inertial reel diagonal shoulder strap.• Six to eight diagonal transverse bands lie on the upper half of the body.Origin diagonal (1500-1600) Latin diagonalis, from Greek diagonios “from angle to angle”, from gonia “angle”di·ag·o·nal adjectiveChineseSyllable  corners is diagonal a opposite line and joins two Corpus straight of




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