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单词 devilishly
释义  dev·il·ish·ly /ˈdevəlɪʃli/ adverb [+adj/adverb] old-fashioned  VERYvery – used to show that you think something is annoying or bad 非常,极其〔表示某物讨厌或糟糕〕 a devilishly difficult task 非常困难的任务Examples from the Corpusdevilishly• Because he was so devilishly attractive that she couldn't resist him?• Nor was he as devilishly brilliant as George Best.• It's easy enough in the early stages, but gets devilishly hard as you get further on.• But they matter enormously-and they will be devilishly hard to achieve.• No other contemporary band is this fiercely unique or devilishly·il·ish·ly adverbChineseSyllable  very show think you – used to that something Corpus




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