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单词 dethrone
释义  Related topics: Governmentde·throne /dɪˈθrəʊn $ -ˈθroʊn/ verb [transitive]  1. PGto remove a king or queen from power 废黜〔君主〕2  IMPORTANT#to remove someone from a position of authority or importance 撵〔某人〕下台,使〔某人〕失去重要地位 an attempt to dethrone the senator 把参议员撵下台的企图 He dethroned Tyson in a fight that shook the boxing world. 他在一场震惊拳坛的比赛中把泰森赶下了拳王宝座。 —dethronement noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdethrone• As plato realized, it is dangerous because its effect is to dethrone the Idea from its position of Truth.• The media regarded Gorbachev as the odds-on favorite to dethrone the old champ.• The reality principle does not dethrone the pleasure principle, but rather safeguards it.• Democrats picked an unlikely candidate to try to dethrone the Republican senator.• Douglas dethroned Tyson in a fight that rocked the boxing·throne verbChineseSyllable  queen king or remove to Corpus power a from




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