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单词 deprived
释义  de·prived /dɪˈpraɪvd/ ●○○ adjective  NOT HAVEPOORnot having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life 贫困的,穷苦的 Deprived children tend to do less well at school. 贫困的孩子往往学习成绩较差。deprived areas/neighbourhoods etc (=where a lot of deprived people live) 贫民区 our deprived inner cities 我们贫困的老城区► see thesaurus at poorExamples from the Corpusdeprived• Most mass demonstrations of this type happen in places where people are enormously deprived.• For this reason the centre was placed in a deprived area of East London.• Children growing up in deprived areas are far more likely to turn to crime and drug abuse.• Finally, certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes, notably black families living in inner city deprived areas.• He said the closures would be a blow to youngsters in deprived areas.• Girls from deprived backgrounds often become pregnant at an early age.• A deprived childhood can lead to emotional problems later.• Desperately deprived groups do not organize to bring about the downfall of a political system.• I asked her if she did not feel deprived, having never experienced school life.• Customers come mainly from the more socially deprived homes within the area.• I feel deprived if I can't have the same as everyone else.• Then there was the resentment over the fur coat she was deprived of because I was sent to a fee-paying school.deprived areas/neighbourhoods etc• Finally, certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes, notably black families living in inner city deprived areas.• He said the closures would be a blow to youngsters in deprived areas.• In 1967-8 Education Priority Areas programmes were specifically area-based and targeted on the inner city and other deprived areas.• The two policy approaches - attracting staff to deprived areas and improving the standard of deprived areas - are not mutually exclusive.• Marked also was the apparent increase in the discrepancy between revitalising and deprived areas both between and within North Side neighbourhoods.• A survey examined experiences and attitudes in the more socially deprived areas of the city.• A local study exposure programme arranges visits to deprived areas that so far do not have organised·prived adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus for having not the things are necessary that




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