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单词 Rumpled
1. I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.
2. The wind rumpled her lovely hair.
3. The bed was rumpled where he had slept.
4. He rumpled her hair playfully.
5. He was casually dressed and had a rumpled look.
6. She rumpled his hair playfully.
7. A rumpled bed is wedged behind the seats.
8. The white sheet was rumpled from her restless tossing,(http:///rumpled.html) her book flung to the floor.
9. The girl looked very rumpled and the boy was having trouble with his fly which had somehow got jammed.
10. Although he was rather rumpled, he wore his double-breasted dinner jacket with easy elegance.
11. For some reason the rumpled appearance of the hat drew my attention.
12. With dark hair rumpled by the wind, flushed face and those brilliantly blue eyes, he looked very handsome.
13. My inappropriate clothes, my rumpled yen, even the wobbly fusuma all seemed to signal how out of place I was.
14. A turbulent black cloud like a rumpled sheet seemed to descend from heaven.
15. His hair was rumpled, and the toggles on his duffel coat were done up wrong.
16. He arrived, somewhat rumpled and unshaven.
17. Mary rumpled her dress by sitting on the floor.
18. The bed was rumpled and strewn with phonograph records.
19. She wore rumpled linen suits.
20. The rumpled mattress stuck into me most uncomfortably.
21. We could see from rumpled sheets that the bed had been slept in.
22. I would walk into work, looking rumpled and barely awake, grumpy and behind everyone else.
23. He hadn't brushed his hair and his clothes were rumpled.
24. I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.
25. Unlike the rest of us, he was not wearing a rumpled flight suit.
26. And he liked her like this, when she was rumpled with sleep and undefended by make-up.
27. There were certain years when the ice stretched from shore to shore in a wild, rumpled mass.
28. She felt a fool, lying on the floor with her skirt rumpled over her knees.
29. His Straight brown hair fell half-combed across his forehead, and his clothes were clean but rumpled.
30. He wore an expensive-looking dark suit, but so creased and rumpled that it hung oddly even from this distance.
1. I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.
31. I looked down at my rumpled sweater, Wal - Mart jeans, and $ 11 tennis shoes.
32. He got it out, rumpled and wilted and it mightily increased his dismal flicity.
33. His hat was on the back of his head, his hair was widly rumpled.
34. Then, a twisted grey garter looped round a stocking : rumpled , shiny sole.
35. His uniform was rumpled.
36. The paper was slightly rumpled by the sweat. Jane knew that John was rather afraid of torridity.
37. Above the rumpled greenery, red-brown African mahogany trees rose at random, their trunks tall and straight(), their limbs sagging with the weight of orchids and ferns.
38. His somewhat rumpled appearance and engaging personal manner briefly masked the intensity and clarity of a real original.
39. We could see from the rumpled sheets that the bed had been slept in.
40. He spent two years driving across America in his old, beat-up car, sleeping in the back seat in his rumpled white suit, getting up each day eager to share his idea with someone new.




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