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单词 depressing
释义 Word family  noun depression depressant depressive adjective depressed depressing depressant depressive verb depress adverb depressingly  de·press·ing /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  SAD/UNHAPPYmaking you feel very sad 令人沮丧的,让人忧愁的 It’s a depressing thought. 这是个令人沮丧的想法。 The whole experience was very depressing. 整个经历非常令人沮丧。 —depressingly adverb depressingly poor results 令人沮丧的糟糕成绩Examples from the Corpusdepressing• There was something about Chilete and the cloud-mist drizzle of that dreadful morning that was utterly depressing.• Blanche visited one which met in a room above a pub in Clapham on a Friday night but found the experience depressing.• Don't you find that depressing?• Situated on the ground floor of the prison, it is dark, depressing and claustrophobic.• It was, Greg Hocking thought, both depressing and familiar.• It was a depressing book.• I doubt if my picture, though depressing, is too gloomy.• The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam.• Unfortunately, there is still a depressing number of poor quality certified organic wines around.• We had tea in the dining-room, a depressing room which looked into a court.• I find it really depressing that my old neighborhood has gotten so run-down.• It's such a depressing town - it's full of ugly, disused factories.• Listening to the news can be really depressing, when all you ever hear about is violence and·press·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  very sad you making feel Corpus




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