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单词 demonic
释义  Related topics: Occultde·mon·ic /dɪˈmɒnɪk $ dɪˈmɑː-/ adjective  1  CRUELwild and cruel 疯狂的;残忍的 demonic laughter 恶魔般的笑2  ROrelating to a demon 魔鬼的,邪恶的 the demonic forces in the universe 宇宙中的邪恶力量 —demonically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusdemonic• And the laughter ... The laughter was demonic.• In fact, he looked a little demonic.• She hated that demonic air of self-assurance that went with him.• The second was the sight of strange mythological beasts and demonic gargoyles which surrounded and surmounted the gateway.• Some viewed the girl's shaking as a sign of demonic possession.• Was it a case of demonic possession?• The beings inhabiting the Hells wear demonic shapes; those in the Heavens, godly.• The demonic sound ceased as abruptly as if a celestial hand had placed a pillow over that squalling electronic mouth.• Earthquakes rattle certain spots within the crust, and volcanoes explode with demonic·mon·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus and cruel wild




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