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单词 demon
释义  Related topics: Occultde·mon /ˈdiːmən/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  ROan evil spirit or force 魔鬼,恶魔 He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon. 他在高速公路上飞速行驶,就像有魔鬼在追赶他似的。2  [usually plural] something that makes you anxious and causes you problems 烦恼,心魔 She struggled with her husband’s demons of addiction and alcoholism. 她和丈夫身上吸毒、酗酒的恶习作斗争。3  GOOD ATsomeone who is very good at something – often used humorously 好手,高手〔常为幽默用法〕 a demon cook 烹饪高手4. the demon drink British EnglishDFD alcoholic drink – often used humorously 含酒精的饮料〔常为幽默用法〕 → daemonExamples from the Corpusdemon• Youths dressed as demons careered across the road and yelled at the tops of their voices.• Naked, they fetch and pile stones from the riverbed, but demons topple the tower before it is high enough.• Spencer hoped that therapy would free her from her inner demons.• The rebels fought like demons, and under cover of the dense underbrush poured deadly volleys upon us.• Astrology was condemned as the doctrine of demons.• I have a tremendous weakness for the demon king, Brian Walden.• Paganini, the demon of the violin, transformed violin playing techniques.• Don't let anybody tell you demons have no feelings.Origin demon (1200-1300) Late Latin daemon “evil spirit”, from Greek daimonde·mon nounChineseSyllable  or an Corpus force spirit evil




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