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单词 demographic
释义  dem·o·graph·ic1 /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk◂/ ●○○ adjective  nrelating to the population and groups of people in it Demographic trends show that there are rising numbers of old people. demographic changes 人口统计数据变化demographic2 noun  1  demographics [plural] information about a group such as the people who live in a particular area 人口统计数据,人口统计资料 the demographics of a newspaper’s readership 一份报纸读者的统计数据2  [countable] a part of the population that is considered as a group, especially by advertisers who want to sell things to that group 群体,人群〔尤指广告商的推销对象〕 the 21–40 demographic 21至40岁的人群Examples from the Corpusdemographic• CBS has been trying to attract the 18-to-49 demographic with its hipper new shows.dem·o·graph·ic1 adjectivedemographic2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  relating groups of to Corpus the and people population




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