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单词 defiant
释义  de·fi·ant /dɪˈfaɪənt/ adjective  DISOBEYclearly refusing to do what someone tells you to do 违抗的,反叛的 Mark smashed a fist on the desk in a defiant gesture. 马克一拳砸在书桌上以示反抗。 —defiantly adverbExamples from the Corpusdefiant• Her reply was clear and defiant.• The building oozed a melancholy yet defiant air, cornered by an unforgiving landscape with which it refused to make any compromises.• It is easier to be soothing with a highly sensitive child who is clingy and frightened than with a defiant child.• Many defiant children are also unusually clever; figuring out ways to defeat your most sophisticated arguments.• Some defiant children are very shy.• The big bird squatted quietly against Rima's chest, but her eyes held a sulky, defiant glare.• "Nothing is going to change, " said a defiant Miller after his trial.• Demonstrators became increasingly defiant of police controls.• He is one of the defiant ones.• Defiant party members openly challenged the leadership.• But it was a defiant rather than a triumphant gesture.• No, he said - and he was defiant - there was no need.Origin defiant (1500-1600) French défiant, present participle of défier; → DEFYde·fi·ant adjectiveChineseSyllable  tells refusing someone do you to Corpus what clearly




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