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单词 slot
释义  slot1 /slɒt $ slɑːt/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  HOLEa long narrow hole in a surface, that you can put something into 〔可放进东西的〕狭孔,狭缝 Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone. 艾伦往付费电话的投币口里又塞了一枚 25 分的硬币。► see thesaurus at hole →5 see picture at 见图 hole12  PERIOD OF TIMEa short period of time allowed for one particular event on a programme or timetable 〔节目或时间表里的〕一段时间 a ten-minute slot on the breakfast show 早餐节目中的一个十分钟栏目 landing slots at Heathrow Airport 希思罗机场的降落时间表 A new comedy is scheduled for the 9 pm time slot. 晚上9点档排了一部新的喜剧片。Examples from the Corpusslot• He found just the right person for his newly created slot of research associate.• It is very important to have the greatest possible support around the expansion slot area.• About 180 of them competed for slots in five school bands this year.• Ron's show has been moved from its 9 p.m. slot on WKDH.• The message was placed in every employee's mail slot.• a parking slot• Gaming areas were half-empty, but gamblers made a beeline for the slots and tables at halftime.• I dropped a quarter in the slot and dialed the number.• Next wind some tape through the slots and around the core to provide a base for the pickup windings.• The disk goes into this slot here.• Please try again later when there is a free user slot available.time slot• If this is a family show, give it a family time slot.• Its weekly feature show, Inside Stuff, is a dunk-fest programmed into a youth-oriented time slot on Saturday morning.• Press downplayed the series' time slot, saying that other series have not done well when put between two highly-rated shows.• The programs have appeared periodically, in no set time slot.• Time Division Multiple Access converts conversations into digital signals and assigns each one specific time slots.• Titles, stars, time slots, producers and who knows what else will change by the time September rolls around.• Have you secretly been lusting after their time slot?slot2 verb (slotted, slotting) [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]  1 PUTto go into a slot, or to put something in a slot (把…)插进窄孔[狭缝]slot something into something5 Mary slotted a cassette into the VCR.玛丽把盒式磁带插进录像机里。n Mary slotted the key into the lock.slot into Each length of board slots easily into the next. 每块木板之间都能轻松接合。 All the wood parts come pre-cut so that they can be slotted together (=put together using slots). 所有的木部件都预先切割好,可以拼装起来。2 slot in phrasal verb British English informal ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto fit something or someone into a plan, organization etc, or to fit in 安排,安置;适应 Stewart has slotted in well. 斯图尔特已经很适应了。slot somebody/something ↔ in We should be able to slot the meeting in before lunch. 我们应该可以把会议安排在午饭之前。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusslot• Children are slotted at national norms, above those norms, or else beneath them.• Brownie albums were provided, with spaces ready prepared for slotting in a sequence of the snapshots.• These ready-to-use units can be slotted in wherever and whenever they fit.• Then, he felt the world shift on its axis, and knew that a new reality had slotted into its place.• The final pieces of the puzzle had now been slotted into place.• He took one at random, went into the master bedroom and slotted it into the video.From Longman Business Dictionaryslotslot /slɒtslɑːt/ noun [countable]1a short period of time allowed for one particular event in a series of other similar eventsAt one time, the airline held 38% of the available take-off and landing slots at Heathrow Airport.There’s a repeat of the daytime show in thelate-night slot.2American EnglishJOB a particular job in an organizationThe board elected a new director to fill one of the slots.4,000 slots, mostly white-collar, could be eliminated from the company’s Missouri plant alone. → see also expansion slotOrigin slot1 (1300-1400) Old French esclot “hollow place in the bone in the middle of the chest”slot1 nounslot2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Business Corpus hole surface, a long you a narrow that in




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