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单词 deeply
释义 Word family  noun deep depth adjective deep deepening verb deepen adverb deeply  deep·ly /ˈdiːpli/ ●●● W3 adverb  1  VERYused to emphasize that a belief, feeling, opinion etc is very strong, important, or sincere 非常,很深地;真诚地 Her lies hurt my father deeply. 她的谎言深深地伤害了我父亲。 She is deeply upset. 她非常难受。 He loves her deeply. 他深深地爱着她。 Teachers are deeply divided on this issue. 在这个问题上教师们分歧很大。 deeply held religious beliefs 虔诚的宗教信仰2  in a serious, careful way 认真地,仔细地 Most doctors think deeply about what their patients want. 大部分医生都认真考虑病人的需要。3  DEEPa long way into something 深深地deeply into John kept sinking more deeply into the mud. 约翰在泥中越陷越深。4. breathe deeply to take a large breath of air into your lungs 深呼吸5. sleep deeply to be in a deep sleep, from which it is hard to wake up 沉睡Examples from the Corpusdeeply• He cuts some other programs deeply.• The daffodil bulbs were planted too deeply.• They found rock with gold in it deeply buried beneath the earth's surface.• Senator McCain is deeply committed to campaign finance reform.• Local residents are deeply concerned about the threat to health posed by the power station.• Congress is deeply concerned about unemployment.• The road followed the deeply cut river valley.• He cared deeply for the human condition.• I want you to know how deeply grateful I am for everything you've done for me.• I am deeply honored.• The deeply incised DE/ED made with a red-hot nail was visible for anyone to see.• Judges loved its deeply inspiring red and grey bricks.• As vicar of Bidston and deeply involved in the plans, may I correct a few misleading rumours.• Carol had been deeply involved with her work there and had loved it.• The ceremony was short but deeply moving.• Wood is a deeply religious man.• We are all deeply saddened by Bill's sudden death.• It is said that there is an ancient city deeply submerged in this part of the ocean.• The marines were deeply suntanned and under their green camouflage helmets they looked very much alike.deeply held• We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.• Even if women are legally entitled to equality, sexist language still activates and re-circulates deeply held beliefs about female inequality.• Only in a few cases, as at Brading, do they reflect any deeply held beliefs or cult practices.• It is also among our deeply held convictions that gene switching is the basis of both cell memory and change.• He sells his company and he sells himself marketing his own deeply held convictions.• It felt like a repudiation of their most deeply held ideals.• Pupils of all ages and abilities have deeply held opinions about the way things actually are, about reality, about truth.• The text of the Botanical Cabinet, combining scientific information with pious observations, reflected Loddiges's deeply held religious convictions.think deeply• Close your eyes and think deeply.• Gently and skilfully he must be challenged to think back and think deeply.• On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi, Holmes sat thinking deeply.• He is a very complex man; he thinks deeply about every role and you must talk to him in great detail.• Some think deeply and carefully about what patients want and about their own abilities and limitations.• The Tin Woodman appeared to think deeply for a moment.deep·ly adverbChineseSyllable  opinion a feeling, to that used emphasize Corpus belief,




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