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单词 deed
释义 Word family  noun deed ≠ misdeed do doing adjective done overdone undone verb do outdo overdo redo undo  Related topics: Lawdeed /diːd/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  formalDO something someone does, especially something that is very good or very bad 〔尤指很好或很坏的〕行为,行动 After the morning’s good deeds he deserved a rest. 上午做了好事之后,他理应休息一下。 She tried to strangle her baby and her lover helped her finish the evil deed. 她试图掐死自己的宝宝,她的情人帮着完成了这个罪恶的勾当。2  SCL law an official paper that is a record of an agreement, especially an agreement concerning who owns property 〔尤指财产所有权的〕契约,证书 a mortgage deed 抵押证书3  in deed in what you do 以行为(的方式),用行动 Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed. 人人都会犯罪,不是在行动上就是在思想上。4. your good deed for the day KINDsomething kind or helpful that you do – used humorously 今天行的善事〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusdeed• Something happens, a deed is done, and the consequences just go rolling on.• Parents can teach children their values by word and deed.• The gulf between words and deeds would, Bertinotti feared, be more self-destructive than any other course of action.• She has earned acclaim for both words and deeds.• The atrocious deeds they'd committed!• I may as well explain here why he did this much-criticized and desperate deed of daring...• One day he will pay for his evil deeds.• Well, that's my good deed for the day.• He grew up reading the tales and legends of heroic deeds.• Such monstrous deeds always angered the gods and they served him as he had served others.• When Medea knew the deed was done she turned her mind to one still more dreadful.• My grandfather signed the deed for this land.• For example, if the title deeds are left with the company, an equitable mortgagee by deposit will take priority.good deeds• Endued with evenness of mind, one casts off in this very life both good deeds and evil deeds.• We can not win a place in heaven by good deeds - neither did he.• Do good deeds now and the result will be a future of happiness and blessing.• But on waking she pushed these resolutely aside and stomped out to do her good deeds.• Rather than the thesis being that virtue lies in good deeds, you could say that money lies in odd places.• Through it all, Tatum maintained his posture of mover and shaker, champion of democracy, doer of good deeds.• They would, in effect, be rewarded for doing the good deeds they should be doing anyway.• Mr Chance, of Nunthorpe, Cleveland, is a charity worker extraordinaire whose good deeds are mostly connected with mental handicap.From Longman Business Dictionarydeeddeed /diːd/ noun [countable]LAW a formal written document that is a record of an agreement, especially one relating to propertyThe parties to a deed should sign it in the presence of a witness. → title deed → transfer deed → trust deedOrigin deed Old English dæddeed nounChinese   Business someone that Corpus something does, especially is something




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