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单词 decision
释义 Word family  noun decision indecision adjective decided ≠ undecided decisive ≠ indecisive verb decide adverb decidedly decisively ≠ indecisively  de·ci·sion /dɪˈsɪʒən/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  [countable]DECIDE a choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion or thought 决定,抉择 Do you ever wonder if you made the right decision? 你怀疑过自己所作的决定是否正确吗?decision to do something She refused to discuss her decision to quit the group. 她拒绝谈论她要退出该团体的决定。decision about/on We finally came to a firm decision on the matter. 我们终于对此事作出了明确的决定。decision as to which/whether/who etc Viewers make the final decision as to who should be eliminated from the competition. 谁该从比赛中淘汰出局由观众作出最终决定。 The judges’ decision is final (=it will not be changed). 法官的裁决是最终判决。2  [uncountable]DECIDE the quality someone has that makes them able to make choices or judgments quickly and confidently 果断,决断力 OPP indecision the ability to act with speed and decision 处事迅速果断的能力3  [uncountable]DECIDE the act of deciding something 决定;判决,裁决 The Court has the ultimate power of decision. 法庭具有最终的判决权。 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a decision 作出决定I want to think about it a bit longer before I make a decision. 我想在作出决定前再多考虑一会儿。take a decision British English (=make an important or formal decision) 作出〔重要或正式的〕决定I fully accept the decision taken by the committee. 我完全接受委员会作出的决定。reach/come to/arrive at a decision (=make a decision after a lot of thought) 〔反复考虑后〕作出决定We hope they will reach their decision as soon as possible. 我们希望他们尽快作出决定。regret a decision (=wish you had not made a particular decision) 后悔一个决定I was already regretting my decision to go on holiday with him. 我已经后悔决定跟他去度假了。reconsider a decision (=think about changing a decision you have made) 重新考虑一个决定He said he wasn't prepared to reconsider his decision. 他说不准备重新考虑自己的决定。reverse a decision (=change a decision) 改变一个决定They want him to reverse his decision to quit. 他们希望他改变辞职的决定。overrule/overturn a decision (=officially change a decision by another person or group) 推翻一个决定A director of the company had overruled that decision. 公司的一位董事推翻了那个决定。postpone a decision (=not make a decision until later) 推迟作出决定The government has postponed its decision about when to hold the election. 政府推迟决定何时举行选举。adjectivesan important decision 重要决定My father made all the important decisions. 重要决定全都是我爸爸作的。a big decision (=an important decision) 重要决定Marriage is a big decision. 婚姻是一项重要决定。a major decision (=very important) 重大决定The government now has some major decisions to make. 政府现在要作出一些重大决定。a difficult/hard/tough decision 困难的决定In the end I took the difficult decision to retire early. 最后我作出了困难的决定——提前退休。a good decision 好的决定It was a good decision to change the name of the product. 更改产品名称真是个不错的决定。a bad decision 不好的决定I think he made a bad decision. 我觉得他作了个糟糕的决定。the right decision 正确的决定She chose to study Engineering and it was definitely the right decision. 她选择了读工程专业,这绝对是个正确的决定。the wrong decision 错误的决定I thought I'd made the wrong decision marrying Jeff. 我觉得嫁给杰夫是个错误的决定。a conscious/deliberate decision (=one that you have thought about clearly) 慎重的/深思熟虑的决定Belinda had made a conscious decision to have a baby. 贝琳达经慎重考虑决定要生孩子。a clear/firm decision (=a definite one) 明确的决定It's now time to come to a clear decision on this. 现在是对此作出明确决定的时候了。a final decision (=one that will not be changed) 最终决定The council will make a final decision in four months. 委员会将在四个月内作出最终决定。a snap decision (=one that you make extremely quickly) 快速的决定Police officers often have to make snap decisions on how to act. 警察经常需要当机立断。a controversial decision (=that people disagree about) 有争议的决定The history of the law is full of controversial decisions. 法律史上充满着有争议的判决。a hasty decision (=one that you make without enough thought) 仓促的决定Don't let yourself be forced into making hasty decisions. 别让自己被迫作出仓促的决定。a joint decision (=one that two people make together) 联合决定Jo and I made a joint decision that we should separate. 乔和我共同作出决定: 我们应该分居。na collective decision (=one that a number of people make together)Society should take collective decisions about individual rights and responsibilities.Examples from the Corpusdecision• The board is expected to make a decision on the merger by August.• But I consider it my job to give a family the opportunity to make a decision.• This job requires the ability to act with speed and decision.• Just make the best decision you possibly can in the light of the information contained in Chapter 4.• It's a big decision. Go home and discuss it with your wife.• Neither does it inform complex and stressful child care decisions.• As chief executive, I often have to take difficult decisions.• If so, an immense difference would arise in decisions on right and wrong between Bentham and Mill.• The judges' decision is final.• Indeed, the real test will come this spring, in a series of key decisions by the Texas Public Utility Commission.• My decision to leave school when I was only 15 was the worst mistake I ever made.• Leicester Building Society has said it is considering options but has made no decision.• The burden of decision rests with the Supreme Court.• If persons beyond the subject of the decision are included, then specificity becomes impossible.• They're going to close the school, but I think that's the wrong decision.decision about/on• Make a decision on whether or not you like your negative qualities.• When taking a decision about personal pensions you should obtain as much information as possible.• Some states are only now making critical decisions about how to divide up the settlement money.• We make daily decisions about whether or not to say, whether or not to interrupt the assumptions being made about our presumed heterosexuality.• This was a very deliberate decision on her part.• This seems to be an accurate description of the initial decisions about seeking entry into higher education.• And he was the one who helped her make decisions about how to respond to the deadly disease.• To have the latitude to make decisions about how work was performed·ci·sion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or judgment Corpus that a choice you make




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