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单词 decentralize
释义 Word family  noun centre/center centralization ≠ decentralization centralism centrist adjective central centralized ≠ decentralized centred/centered centrist verb centre/center centralize ≠ decentralize adverb centrally  Related topics: Business basicsde·cen·tral·ize (also decentralise British English) /ˌdiːˈsentrəlaɪz/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  BBto move parts of a government, organization etc from a central place to several different smaller ones (使)〔政府、组织等的部门〕分散 OPP centralize Many firms are decentralizing their operations. 许多公司在分散经营。 —decentralized adjective a decentralized economy 分散的经济 —decentralization /diːˌsentrəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -lə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdecentralize• Which functional resources to centralize or decentralize 3.• Investment in infrastructure will be much more decentralized.• The state would also be highly decentralized.• New technology allows companies to decentralize, contract out and break up large factories which have unionized workforces.• Later, the delivery sys-tem was decentralized further, when the task of resupplying pills was turned over to village health volunteers.• Fourth, decentralized institutions generate higher morale, more commitment, and greater productivity.• President Ernesto Zedillo has decentralized its structure: two-thirds of its funds are now controlled by local governments.• He has been Navajo president for one year, and his efforts to decentralize tribal government so far have fallen flat.From Longman Business Dictionarydecentralizede‧cen‧tral‧ize /ˌdiːˈsentrəlaɪz/ (also decentralise British English) verb [intransitive, transitive] if a large company, organization, or industry decentralizes or is decentralized, responsibility, services, or jobs are moved away from a central place to several different smaller placesThere may be a need to decentralize and set up semi-autonomous subsidiaries.As a result, most companies attempted to decentralize parts of their IT operations. —decentralization (also decentralisation British English) noun [uncountable]the decentralization of local government services→ See Verb tablede·cen·tral·ize verbChineseSyllable  government, of organization parts Corpus move a etc to Business




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