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单词 deceased
释义  de·ceased /dɪˈsiːst/ ●○○ noun law  the deceased law DEADsomeone who has died, especially recently 死者,已故之人〔尤指最近去世的人〕 The deceased left a large sum of money to his children. 死者留给子女一大笔钱。From Longman Business Dictionarydeceasedde‧ceased /dɪˈsiːst/ noun the deceased formal the person who has died or the people who have diedThese circumstances had not been foreseen by the deceased when the will was made. —deceased adjectiveRelatives of the deceased employees did not receive the expected death benefits.Origin deceased (1300-1400) decease “to die” ((15-19 centuries)), from French décès “death”, from Latin decedere “to leave, die”de·ceased nounChineseSyllable  who especially has recently Business someone died,




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