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单词 datebook
释义  date·book /ˈdeɪtbʊk/ noun [countable] American English  a small book in which you write things you must do, addresses, telephone numbers etc 记事簿 SYN diaryExamples from the Corpusdatebook• But I have merely used it as a Rolodex and a datebook.• On Saturdays, according to my datebook, I can kick back at 4: 45.From Longman Business Dictionarydatebookdate‧book /ˈdeɪtbʊk/ noun [countable] American English a small book in which you write things you must do, names and addresses, telephone numbers etcSYN BrE diarydate·book nounChineseSyllable   Business things Corpus in book small write which you a




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