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单词 date
释义 Word family  noun date adjective dated outdated verb date predate  Related topics: Chronology, Plants, Fooddate1 /deɪt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  day 日期TMCTIME THAT IS PLANNED a particular day of the month or year, especially shown by a number 日期,日子 The date on the letter was 30th August 1962. 信上的日期是1962年8月30日。 What’s today’s date? 今天几号?date of What’s the date of the next meeting? 下次会议是几月几号? You should apply at least 8 weeks before your date of departure. 你应该至少在出发前八周提出申请。date for Have you set a date for the wedding yet? 你定好婚礼日期了吗?2  at a later/future date formalFUTURE at some time in the future 将来,他日 SYN later The details will be agreed at a later date. 细节将来再商定。3  to date NOWup to now 迄今,到目前为止 The cost of the work to date has been about £150 million. 到目前为止这项工作花费了大约1.5亿英镑。 Her best performance to date was her third place at the World Junior Championships. 迄今为止她最好的成绩是在世界青少年锦标赛上获得第三名。4  romantic meeting 浪漫约会 a) MEETan occasion when you go out with someone that you like in a romantic way 约会date with I’ve got a date with Andrea tomorrow night. 明晚我和安德烈亚有约会。 I felt like a teenager going out on a first date. 我感觉就像第一次去赴约会的少年一样。 → blind date b) American EnglishRELATIONSHIP someone that you have a date with 约会对象somebody’s date Can I bring my date to the party? 我可以把恋人带到派对上来吗?5  arrangement to meet SB 安排见某人 a time arranged to meet someone, especially socially 会面时间 Let’s make a date to come over and visit. 我们定个时间前去拜访吧。6. fruit 水果HBPDFDF a sweet sticky brown fruit with a long hard seed inside 椰枣,海枣 → closing date, → expiry date at expiry(2), → out-of-date, sell-by date, up-to-date COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + datethe exact/precise date 确切日期I can’t remember the exact date we moved into this house. 我们搬进这栋房子的确切日期我不记得了。the agreed date British English, agreed upon date American English (=one that people have agreed on) 约定日期The work was not finished by the agreed date. 工作没有如期完成。the closing date (=the last day you can officially do something) 截止日期The closing date for applications is April 30th. 申请截止日期为4月30日。the due date (=the date by which something is due to happen) 到期日Payment must be made by the due date. 必须在支付期限之前付款。the delivery date (=a date on which goods will be delivered) 交货日期The delivery date should be around 23rd August. 交货日期应该是8月23日左右。the publication date (=the date when something is published) 出版日期We are aiming at a publication date of mid-November. 我们的目标是在11月中旬出版。the departure date (=the date when someone leaves) 出发日期My departure date was only a few days away. 我的出发日期就在几天之后。the expiry date British English, expiration date American English (=a date on a product after which it cannot be used) 到期日Check the expiry date on your credit card. 核查信用卡上的到期日。the sell-by date British English (=a date on a food product after which it should not be sold) 销售期限,最迟销售日期nThose yoghurts are a week past their sell-by date.verbsdecide on a date (=choose the date when something will happen) 选定日期Have you decided on a date for the wedding yet? 你选定婚期了吗?set/fix a date (=decide the date when something will happen) 确定日期They haven’t set a date for the election yet. 他们尚未确定选举日期。phrasestoday’s date 今天的日期Don’t forget to put today’s date at the top of the letter. 别忘了在信头写上今天的日期。somebody’s date of birth (also somebody’s birth date) (=the day and year when someone was born) 某人的出生日期What’s your date of birth? 你的出生日期是什么时候?the date of publication/issue/departure etc formal 出版/发行/出发等日期The insurance will only cover costs incurred on or after the date of departure. 这项保险只承保出发当天或之后发生的费用。Examples from the Corpusdate• We need to arrange a date for the next meeting.• Have they set a date for the wedding yet?• A date for his release has not yet been agreed.• It helps if you provide your birth date and Social Security number.• The closing date for entries is 3 March 2001.• It is a difficult date to establish and is not frequently used, although it appears on packaged dry yeast. 4.• We still haven't received notification of the exam date.• Key in your credit card details, including the expiration date of the card.• Are you sure these yoghurts are ok? Have you checked the expiry date?• Was that your first date?• But analysts say such familiar complaints are largely out of date.• You are still entitled to a dividend on the redemption date.• "Snow White" had a December release date to capture the Christmas market.• I later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating the start date.• Starting dates, after two exceptionally early seasons, have returned to the more traditional early July point.• The change in market value of certificates held at 31 December is simply the product of applying accrued interest at that date.• In 1941, Roosevelt conceded failure and Congress summoned the courage to codify the date in law.• June 9th is the date of the European elections.• Do you know the date when the house was built?• Give me the dates of the American War of Independence.• "What's the date today?" "September twenty-ninth."• The date on the newspaper is October 12,1966.• Best when aged 3 to 5 years from vintage date.• Could I have your name and your date of birth please?make a date• So if you have yet to try one of these fabled creations, do yourself a favor and make a date.• I make a date with my friend Patrick, a labor historian.• McCready made a date for the Montcalm Hotel at one o'clock.• But remember, the goal of making a date is to spend time together, not necessarily to spend money together.• I was dancing with her and we made a date for the following day outside the Plaza cinema at six o'clock.• We made a date to meet at a New York hotel anyway.• If you make dates with patients, you have to expect everyone to know.• You made a date with her for half seven the following evening and she was thrilled.Related topics: Chronologydate2 ●●○ S3 W3 verb  1  write date 写日期 [transitive]TMCTIME THAT IS PLANNED to write or print the date on something 〔在某物上〕写上,印上〔日期〕 a newspaper dated November 23,1963 一份日期为1963年11月23日的报纸 Make sure you sign and date it at the bottom. 一定要在底下签上姓名和日期。2  find age 确定年代 [transitive]FIND OUT to find out when something old was made or formed 鉴定〔古物〕的年代 The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer. 岩石的年代通过查看在同一岩层里发现的化石来鉴定。 radiocarbon dating 碳年代测定法3  old-fashioned 过时的 [intransitive]OLD-FASHIONED if clothing, art etc dates, it begins to look old-fashioned 〔衣服、艺术等〕过时 His designs are so classic, they’ve hardly dated at all. 他的设计太经典了,一点也不过时。 → dated4  relationship 关系 [intransitive, transitive] American EnglishRELATIONSHIP to have a romantic relationship with someone (与…)谈恋爱 SYN go out with Is he still dating Sarah? 他还在和萨拉谈恋爱吗? Are Chris and Liz dating? 克里斯在和利兹谈恋爱吗?5  show SB’s age 显出某人的年龄 [transitive]OLD/NOT NEW if something that you say, do, or wear dates you, it shows that you are fairly old 显出〔某人〕老了 Yes, I remember the Moon landings – that dates me, doesn’t it? 是的,我记得登月事件——这说明我老了,是不是?6 date from something (also date back to something) phrasal verb PASTto have existed since a particular time in the past 自…存在至今,追溯到…年代 The church dates from the 13th century. 这座教堂建于13世纪。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdate• The corresponding language of the guarantee and debenture dated 6 June 1985 is somewhat different.• How long have Paul and Sue been dating?• What is a man his age doing dating a 17-year-old?• Certain styles of music will never date, and will always be popular.• His furniture designs have hardly dated at all.• In this way, the felling date for that piece of timber can usually be dated to within a year.• This free-scrolling handle, dating from about 1740, was known as a flying scroll handle.• She was in violation of some deal they had which dated from the moment they agreed to combine households.• His first publications date from work carried out there.• The internal memo, dated November 13, was from Watkins.• The Los Angeles Times is not responsible for changes in prices, dates or itineraries.• I thought we were just friends, but when I started dating other men, he suddenly got really jealous.• Oh, I forgot to date the check.• Scientists have not yet dated the human remains found at these megalithic sites.• The trouble with high fashion clothes is that they date very quickly.From Longman Business Dictionarydatedate1 /deɪt/ written abbreviation d noun [countable]1the words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and yearThe date on the letter was 30 June 2006. → average date → balance date → best-before date → closing date → completion date → delivery date → drop-dead date → due date → effective date → expiration date → maturity date → off-sale date → prompt date → pull date → record date → redemption date → sell-by date → settlement date → use-by date2after dateFINANCE the words written on a BILL OF EXCHANGE to show that the bill can be paid a particular period of time after the date on the bill → see also year to datedatedate2 verb [transitive] to write the date on a letter or chequeIn a letter dated 1st August 1999, the inspector said he would need to examine the company’s accounts. → see also ante-date, post-date→ See Verb tableOrigin date1 1. (1300-1400) French Late Latin data, from the past participle of Latin dare “to give”2. (1200-1300) Old French Greek daktylos “finger”date1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1date2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  of particular or month a especially Business year, the day Corpus




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