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单词 danger
释义 Word family  noun danger adjective endangered dangerous verb endanger adverb dangerously  dan·ger /ˈdeɪndʒə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [uncountable]DANGEROUS the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed 危险 Danger! No boats beyond this point. 危险!船只不可越过此处。 The refugees believe that their lives are in danger. 难民认为他们有生命危险。danger of The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays. 节假日期间发生火灾的隐患增加。danger from The public was not aware of the danger from nuclear tests in Nevada. 公众对内华达州举行核试验的危险性并不了解。2  [countable, uncountable]PROBABLY the possibility that something bad will happen 〔坏事发生的〕可能性,危险be in danger of (doing) something 有做某事的危险 The party is in danger of being defeated in the next election. 该党面临下次大选时被击败的危险。danger that There is a danger that museums will attempt to entertain rather than educate. 存在博物馆追求娱乐功能而忽视教育功能的危险。the danger of (doing) something to guard against the danger of becoming isolated 防止变得孤立的危险a danger sign/signal He didn’t look pleased, but she ignored the danger signals. 他看上去不高兴了,但她忽视了这些危险信号。3  [countable]DANGEROUSRISK something or someone that may harm or kill you 威胁,危害 the dangers that abound in the region 充斥该地区的危险danger of the dangers of drug use 吸毒的危害be a danger to somebody/something The wreck is a danger to other ships. 这艘沉船对其他船只是个威胁。4  there’s no danger of something used to say that something will not happen 某事不会发生 There’s no danger of confusion. 不会产生混淆。 There’s no danger of Darren ever getting up early. 达伦从不会早起。5. be on the danger list ILL British English to be so ill that you may die 病危 COLLOCATIONSphrasesbe in danger 有危险The public was not in danger at any time. 公众自始至终未曾有过危险。be in danger of doing something 有做某事的危险It was clear that the ship was in grave danger of sinking. 显然,这艘船面临沉没的巨大危险。be out of danger (=no longer be in danger) 脱险John is still in hospital but he is out of danger. 约翰仍在住院,但他已脱离危险。put somebody/sb’s life in danger 令某人/某人的生命处于危险中Firemen put their own lives in danger as part of their job. 消防员出生入死,这是他们工作的一部分。be fraught with danger (=involve a lot of danger) 充满危险Their journey was long and fraught with danger. 旅途漫长且危险重重。adjectivesgreat danger 大的危险I knew I was in great danger. 我知道自己的处境很危险。grave/serious danger (=very great) 重大危险You have put us all in grave danger. 你让我们大家都身陷巨大的危险之中。mortal danger literary (=danger of death) 致命危险The plane’s crew were now in mortal danger. 飞机的机组人员现在命悬一线。immediate/imminent danger (=likely to happen very soon) 旦夕之危The passengers on the boat were not in immediate danger. 小船上的乘客眼下没有危险。potential danger (=possible but not definite) 潜在危险Gloves should be worn because of the potential danger of infection. 由于存在感染的潜在威胁,应当戴手套。constant danger (=continuing all the time) 常在危险They are in constant danger of attack. 他们随时有遭到袭击的危险。physical danger (=danger to your body) 人身危险Many sports involve some physical danger. 许多体育运动都有人身危险。verbsface danger 面对危险Today’s police officers face danger every day. 如今的警察每天都面对危险。sense danger (=feel that there is danger) 感到危险The animal lifted its head, sensing danger. 那只动物感觉到了危险,抬起了头。danger threatens (=seems likely) 可能发生危险Most birds will warn other birds when danger threatens. 大多数鸟儿感到可能发生危险时会警告其他鸟儿。danger passes (=there is no longer any danger) 危险过去At last the sound of bombing had stopped and the danger had passed. 轰炸声终于停止,危险过去了。danger + NOUNa danger area/zone (=an area that could be dangerous) 危险地区/区域People living in the danger area have been told to leave. 居住在危险地区的民众已被告知撤离。n THESAURUSrisk the chance that something bad may happenSmoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.threat the possibility that something very bad will happenthe only way to reduce the threat of nuclear warhazard something that may be dangerous or cause accidents or problemsnatural hazards like avalanchesExamples from the Corpusdanger• Danger! High Voltage.• Danger! Keep out.• The game allowed Scott to talk for the first time about feelings of fear and danger.• Is there any danger of Mike being arrested?• In others, there are dangers he miraculously survived.• We are however in danger of losing all touch with reality by postulating such a scenario. 3.• By now, Chris was asleep, covered with ice cream and evidently not in danger.• Admittedly their intimacy could have its dangers.• Confusion between love and work is one danger posed by the collapse of the wall between the two.• There's a real danger that the region's forests will disappear completely in the next 50 years.• The organization ran a national campaign about the dangers of cigarettes and other tobacco products.• While leprosy is slowly contagious and probably mildly contagious, its usual horrors argue the danger of neglect.• The river has not flooded yet, but that does not mean the danger has passed.• I stood at the side of the road and waved my arms to warn other drivers of the danger.• Wear a hat and drink plenty of fluids to reduce the danger of sunstroke.• The gas leak was quickly fixed, but workers at the factory say the danger remains real.• Yet, with the dangers came also opportunities.danger of• There is a danger of the conflict spreading into the bordering in danger of (doing) something• Many young people did not qualify and were in danger of being caught up in crime.• Dana didn't know Berenice was in danger of losing her child; she was careless, but not vicious.• By November 21, the sugar crop was in danger of being completely lost to the cold, damp weather.• This is the one place in the book where Carter's enviable fluency is in danger of ceding to superficiality.• The anti-globalisation movement is in danger of being discredited because of the antics of a small group.• We should look with deep understanding and compassion upon those whose relationships have failed or are in danger of failing.• They are in danger of losing their spectator status.• It subsequently turned out that it was the sitting tenants who were in danger of a danger to somebody/something• The judge described Thomas as 'a danger to the public'.• People who drink and drive are a danger to themselves and to others.• The judge Lord Cullen told Boyce he was a danger to the public and sentenced him to a minimum of twenty years.• In some way he was a danger to an ex-con, that must be it.• He was a danger to everything, but knowing that, admitting it to herself did no good.• If found by a court to no longer be a danger to himself or society he would be released.• I want you to tell the world that the monster is a danger to everyone.• Extreme nationalism is the single greatest danger to peace in the modern world.• Disaffected Cantarero supporters were considered by observers to be a danger to future constitutional order.• On farms, building sites, in factories and hospitals there are dangers to be understood and avoided.• The new unit will also be available for young people who are a danger to themselves or others.Origin danger (1200-1300) Old French dangier, from Vulgar Latin dominiarium “power to do harm”, from Latin dominium “ownership”dan·ger noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  possibility will harmed, someone be the Corpus something or that




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