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单词 dance floor
释义  ˈdance floor noun [countable]  TBBDANCEa special floor in a restaurant, hotel etc for people to dance on 舞池Examples from the Corpusdance floor• In the big middle room was a dance floor, with colored lights and a few gook couples doing the fox-trot.• Longbine said line dancers have concluded that repeated dance floor collisions were acts of aggression by the ballroom dancers.• Those who saw her and Minton jiving together never forgot the co-ordinated abandon with which they cleared the dance floor.• When Jack put a foot on the dance floor, some, then all couples stopped and the band trailed off.• Enjoys windsurfing, working out at the gym and strutting his funky stuff on the dance floor.• On the dance floor, his shape blew away in the secure grace of his dancing.• I ate slowly and watched the dance floor.ˈdance floor nounChineseSyllable  for a hotel in special restaurant, etc a floor Corpus people to




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