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单词 damnedest
释义  damned·est /ˈdæmdɪst/ adjective spoken not polite  1  do/try your damnedest spoken not polite TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto try very hard to do something 尽最大努力I’ll do my damnedest to fix it, but I can’t promise anything. 我会尽全力去修,但是我不能保证什么。2  UNUSUAL[only before noun] used to emphasize that something is unusual, surprising etc 绝对奇妙的,绝对惊人的It was the damnedest thing you ever saw! 那绝对是你见过的最奇妙的玩意儿!Examples from the Corpusdamnedest• All right, tell the girls, do your damnedest.• He was a natural you find them sometimes if you're lucky and from the damnedest backgrounds.• "It's the damnedest case I've ever seen, " said the sheriff.• It was only by the damnedest luck I found his apartment.• But by now most of us well know that these intermittent statistics are the damnedest of lies.• If I do as you suggest and tell Billy about us, he will do his damnedest to destroy me in revenge.• Merry collapsed on a heap of mud, and the bull tried his damnedest to get him.• But both the Trust and those of us lucky enough to live there will do our damnedest to prevent it.• He has done his damnedest to supply the etymologies whenever he can, and they all ring true.damned·est adjectiveChineseSyllable  very try do hard to Corpus to something




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