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单词 Cyrillic
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationCy·ril·lic /səˈrɪlɪk/ adjective  SLAthe Cyrillic alphabet is the one used for Russian, Bulgarian, and some other Slavonic languages 西里尔字母的〔俄语、保加利亚语和其他斯拉夫语所用的字母〕Examples from the CorpusCyrillic• All the letters on the walls around me are Cyrillic.• It will show a Cyrillic keyboard at the Moscow ComTech show on April 27.• Some of the names are in Cyrillic letters.Origin Cyrillic (1800-1900) Saint Cyril (827-69), Greek missionary who is said to have invented the alphabetCy·ril·lic adjectiveChineseSyllable  one Cyrillic is the used alphabet the for Corpus




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