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单词 cut-price
释义  Related topics: Tradeˌcut-ˈprice (also cut-rate especially American English) adjective  1  CHEAPcut-price goods or services are cheaper than usual 〔货品或服务〕减价的,削价的 cut-price toys 减价的玩具 a travel operator offering cut-price deals 正在推出优惠活动的一家旅行社2  BBTCHEAPa cut-price shop sells goods at reduced prices 〔商店〕廉价的,出售折价商品的 cut-price supermarkets 折价超市Examples from the Corpuscut-price• Rather than setting up their own discount arm, food retailers could simply sell cut-price brands in their superstores.• Oxford felt like a transatlantic liner in the age of bucket shops and cut-price charters.• By day, a long street in the Nipponbashi area is lined with cut-price electronics stores.• Fruit is fairly inexpensive in Japan because they buy cut-price oranges and apples from South Africa.• Or they can pick up cut-price plant and equipment, or computer systems.• Tottenham Court Road is the best place for cut-price stereo equipment.• For example, there is the restricted access to cut-price supermarket shopping that many disabled older people suffer from.From Longman Business Dictionarycut-priceˈcut-price (also cut-rate) adjective [only before a noun]1selling products or services at extremely low pricesBritain’s biggest cut-price supermarket chain2costing much less than other products of the same typepetrol stations selling cut-price petrolFamilies are snapping up cut-price holidays as travel agents slash the cost of trips to the sun.ˌcut-ˈprice adjectiveChineseSyllable  than cut-price services are Business Corpus goods cheaper or




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