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单词 curious
释义  cu·ri·ous /ˈkjʊəriəs $ ˈkjʊr-/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  INTERESTEDwanting to know about something 好奇的,好打听的 → inquisitive Puppies are naturally curious. 小狗天生好奇。curious about He was curious about how she would react. 他很想知道她会有什么反应。curious to know/see/hear etc Mandy was curious to know what happened. 曼迪很想知道发生了什么事。curious look/glance Her shouting attracted some curious glances from other people in the restaurant. 她的叫喊引来了餐厅里其他客人好奇的目光。2  STRANGEstrange or unusual 稀奇古怪的 He felt a curious mixture of excitement and panic. 他有一种既兴奋又惊慌的奇怪感觉。 a curious coincidence 奇怪的巧合 It’s curious that she left without saying goodbye. 她不辞而别,挺奇怪的。► see thesaurus at strange5 —curiouslyadv ‘What have you got in there?’ Felix asked curiously.“你那里面是什么?”费利克斯好奇地问道。 She felt curiously calm.她感到出奇地平静。Examples from the Corpuscurious• "Why do you want to know about Catherine?" "Oh no reason. I'm just curious."• The principal's response to the problem was curious.• I'm not being nosy, I'm just curious.• Even young children often become curious about drugs.• People have always been curious about exactly how life on earth began.• Being naturally curious animals, cats often find their way into dangerous places.• He had come to some curious arrangement with his landlady.• But even I am a little bit curious as to what the top news stories are.• It is curious, by the way, that the gridiron plan should have gone on so long.• The visitors were soon surrounded by a crowd of curious children.• Life in the village was a curious combination of the old and the very new.• At first Wexford felt a curious distaste and then he thought about the dead man and what he knew of him.• String theory has a curious history.• The result is a curious hybrid that values action and physical movement above all else.• Upon learning of this daily miracle, a curious neighbor gave the fish a whack.• A few curious neighbors came out to see what was going on.• They had once been white, he remembered, but now they had turned a curious shade of yellow.• She looked through the drawers of Bob's desk, curious to explore even the most unconsidered corners of his life.• He was curious to find out why she had left her job so suddenly.• It was a weird situation, and I was curious to learn more.curious about• All children are curious about the workings of things.Origin curious (1300-1400) Old French curios, from Latin curiosus “careful, wanting to know”, from cura; → CURE1cu·ri·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  something wanting Corpus to about know




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