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单词 curiosity
释义  cu·ri·os·i·ty /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti $ ˌkjʊriˈɑːs-/ ●●○ noun (plural curiosities)  1  [singular, uncountable]FIND OUT the desire to know about something 好奇心 I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity. 我打开包裹只是为了满足我的好奇心。 The news aroused a lot of curiosity among local people. 这条消息在当地人中间引起了很大的好奇心。 She decided to follow him out of curiosity. 她出于好奇决定跟踪他。 Margaret looked at him with curiosity. 玛格丽特好奇地看着他。curiosity about Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. 儿童生来对周围的世界感到好奇。 a man of immense intellectual curiosity 求知欲极强的一个男人 It was idle curiosity that made me ask. 我只是好奇地随便问了一下。2  [countable]STRANGE someone or something that is interesting because they are unusual or strange 奇品,珍品 a house full of old maps and other curiosities 藏满旧地图和其他珍奇物品的房子 In the past, men who wanted to work with children were regarded as something of a curiosity. 在过去,想从事儿童工作的男人被认为是稀有人种。 It’s not worth much, but I kept it for its curiosity value. 这东西不值多少钱,我留着是因为它有珍贵的意义。3. curiosity killed the cat FIND OUTused to tell someone not to ask too many questions about something 好奇害死猫,过于好奇要吃苦头〔用于告诫别人不要多打听〕n COLLOCATIONSverbshave a lot of curiosityBright children often have a lot of curiosity.satisfy somebody's curiosity (=find out something that you want to know)I decided to call him in order to satisfy my curiosity.arouse somebody's curiosity (=make someone want to know about something)New people in the village always aroused our curiosity.curiosity gets the better of somebody/overcomes somebody (=makes you do something that you are trying not to do)Curiosity got the better of me and I opened her diary.pique somebody's curiosity (=make someone want to know about something)Something she said had piqued his curiosity.adjectivesnatural curiosityThe children are encouraged to follow their natural curiosity, and learn about what interests them. intellectual curiosityHighly intelligent people are full of intellectual curiosity.scientific curiosity (=about scientific things)Their scientific curiosity led to the development of the vaccine.idle curiosity (=wanting to know something for no particular reason)Out of idle curiosity, I looked out of the curiosity (=that you do not try to hide)The children were staring at her with open curiosity.great/intense curiosityHis disappearance had obviously aroused great curiosity.insatiable curiosity (=used when someone is always curious)He had an insatiable curiosity about why people do the things they do.mild curiosity (=not great)I watched what was happening with mild curiosity.morbid curiosity (=a feeling of wanting to know about death or other bad things that happen)the morbid curiosity of the onlookers at the trialphrasesbe burning with curiosity (=want to know about something very much)She was burning with curiosity about him, but was too polite to an object/a subject of curiosity (=be something or someone that makes people curious)Anyone new was always the object of our curiosity.curiosity + NOUNcuriosity value (=the quality or advantage of being something that people want to know about)When the shop was new it had curiosity value.Examples from the Corpuscuriosity• The emperor's visit was treated as a curiosity rather than a political event.• His curiosity and detailed pursuits with paint and drawing materials continued throughout his life as a vital source of exploration and communication.• Where were the important elements: inventiveness, initiative, adaptability, intellectual curiosity, sensitivity, confidence, determination?• These investigations of the sun's luminosity are not just intellectual curiosity.• Events like these excite a child's natural curiosity.• The kids had never come right out and admitted their curiosity.• Some came to seek the new power, some to chuckle, others to satisfy their curiosity.• Adam's next problem was how to obtain a translation of the document and Goering's letter without arousing unnecessary curiosity.• To satisfy vistors' curiosity, park officials have prepared maps on which the historical sites are clearly marked.• It is a dialogue that begins with curiosity and is fueled by knowledge, leading to understanding.• Olly was bursting with curiosity about the new house.satisfy ... curiosity• Foucard had once gone to that door, thrown it wide, given the room an all-embracing glance, satisfied his curiosity.• At least he had satisfied his curiosity.• If this is true, it seems an expensive way of satisfying one's curiosity.• We too need to read the Bible in our hearts, rather than simply to discover facts or satisfy our curiosity.• You still haven't satisfied my curiosity.• Some came to seek the new power, some to chuckle, others to satisfy their curiosity.• Some of them I had never seen before and some were there to satisfy their curiosity.• If you want to satisfy your curiosity about Bob's girlfriend, you ring him yourself.curiosity value• They have a certain curiosity value, I suppose, but no merit·ri·os·i·ty noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus to know about the desire something




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