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单词 harmonize
释义  Related topics: Musichar·mo·nize (also harmonise British English) /ˈhɑːmənaɪz $ ˈhɑːr-/ verb  1  [intransitive]SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER if two or more things harmonize, they work well together or look good together 和谐,协调harmonize with The new offices harmonize with the other buildings in the area. 这些新办公楼和这一地区的其他大楼看上去很协调。2  [transitive]EQUAL to make two or more sets of rules, taxes etc the same 使一致,使统一 the proposal to harmonize tax levels throughout the EU 统一欧盟税率水平的提议3. [intransitive]APM to sing or play music in harmony 用和声演唱[演奏]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusharmonize• Microeconomic systems of government regulations have to be harmonized.• Best of all was his melodic inspiration: his creations were still being analyzed, harmonized and celebrated half a century later.• But tax harmonizing brings with it an implicit harmonization of spending levels, since total tax burdens must be basically similar.• Our programme is of authentic and arranged songs, harmonized by composers.• Countries need to work to harmonize standards on pesticides.• The remedies seem to have the power to help harmonize the body's metabolic processes and to correct imbalances in them.• When the plane crashed, it sounded a note that harmonized with the disaster of my early life.• By means of these virtues of inherent nature, the tao without is harmonized with the tao within.• Departmental objectives are required to harmonize with these.harmonize with• Buildings should harmonize with their natural surroundings.From Longman Business Dictionaryharmonizehar‧mo‧nize /ˈhɑːmənaɪzˈhɑːr-/ (also harmonise British English) verb [transitive] to make two or more systems, sets of rules etc more similar so that they work better togethera European Commission directive to harmonise rules on copyright in different EU countries —harmonization (also harmonisation British English) noun [uncountable]monetary union, followed by rapid harmonisation of tax and social laws→ See Verb tablehar·mo·nize verbChineseSyllable  or they well two more Corpus work things Business if harmonize,




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