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单词 Government bonds
(1) I decided to invest in some government bonds.
(2) Most of it will be financed by government bonds.
(3) Government bonds are a sound investment because they combine good profits and high security.
(4) The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.
(5) The cowboys traded bonds, corporate and government bonds.
(6) They stock up on financial assets such as government bonds, and the government realizes profits by spending its borrowings on buying commodities.
(7) The Japanese company has invested its borrowings in government bonds.
(8) They are eager to buy their government bonds.
(9) They hold government bonds rather than tax receipts.
(10) Investment grade bonds perform inline with government bonds.
(11) Government bonds are not callable.
(12) Safe government bonds paid diddly.
(13) The securities listed in exchange include government bonds, corporation bonds, financial bonds and stocks publicly iued all over the country.
(14) Specie or government bonds until 1931. Since then , of course, the Bank of England like other central banks has not held specie reserves equal to our note issue.
(15) Why would you expect the yield on treasury bills normally to be rather lower than on government bonds? 2.
(16) Earlier in the day, bonds received a boost as the central bank said it would buy government bonds outright.
(17) Ministry officials attributed this increase to higher interest payments on outstanding government bonds.
(18) The real rate as measured by the rate on long-term government bonds has actually risen since the end of the cold war.
(19) Bills of exchange: Treasury, local authority and certain commercial bills. Government bonds with less than a year to maturity.
(20) Now, three-fifths of insurers' assets are bonds - a quarter of them government bonds.
(21) An increase in the number of locally-issued debt could push yields higher by crowding out demand for government bonds.
(22) He might prefer a building society deposit or a National Savings instrument or government bonds or equities.
(23) The repatriated funds will have to be invested in Government bonds for a number of years.
(24) This comes on top of a record 21 trillion yen in local government bonds expected for the year to April.
(25) The central bank also bought about 200 billion yen in government bonds outright.
(26) But they were not so dire as to scare investors into dumping government bonds.
(27) And then look at the way he speculates in government bonds: huh!
(28) Safe has traditionally invested in low-risk securities such as government bonds.
(29) One result has been to create a two-tier market in government bonds.
(30) The weak krona, meanwhile(), has increased the cost of repaying government bonds that were issued in foreign currency.
(31) Technically, the EFSF monoline insurer would provide a first-loss tranche insurance for government bonds up to an agreed percentage.
(32) With corporate bonds, an investor can opt for a lower risk exposure than with equities but a higher income yield than with government bonds.
(33) Even a balanced fund ( one that mixes government bonds and equities ) would have lost money.
(34) The minimum investment for government bonds is S $ 1,000 and treasury bills is S $ 10,0000.
(35) As other forms of stored value — paper banknotes, government bonds, inked entries in bank ledgers — came into widespread use, they were understood to represent actual amounts of precious metal.
(36) Last week, when the Treasury tried to auction its most recent issue of government bonds, almost no one was buying.
(37) Citigroup currency economist Steven Englander points out global reserves have risen to well over 50 percent of all outstanding government bonds from just over a quarter in 2000.
(38) EXAMPLE: The executive's investments included several thousand shares of aggressive growth stock as well as some boring but safe investments in government bonds.
(39) The securities listed in exchange include government bonds , corporation bonds , financial bonds and stocks publicly issued all over the country.
(40) It buys some financial securities, e. g. , government bonds, in exchange for cash.
(41) On a 3-6 month view, we continue to have a positive bias on equities, and prefer equities over government bonds, as we have done ever since we became more optimistic in July.
(42) Values lurched downward as investors in British property woke up and stopped accepting ever lower yields: at one stage these had dropped below even yields on risk-free government bonds (see chart).
(43) Thailand introduced a withholding tax on foreign purchases of government bonds last week, and Brazil on Monday increased an existing tax on foreign bond buyers to 6 percent from 4 percent.
(44) After the comments, the forint slid, the yield on 10-year Hungarian government bonds surged and shares on the Budapest Stock Exchange tumbled.
(45) Those worries tend to boost demand for government bonds, as investors trade out of riskier assets such as stocks and commodities.
(46) The Federal Reserve is buying up all kinds of other assets, like long - term government bonds.
(47) Historically the great appeal of government bonds to investors is that they are a risk-free, liquid asset.
(48) In that time the BoJ bought government bonds and other assets and raised commercial banks' reserve accounts sixfold. Interest rates stayed close to zero.
(49) It is not the capital funding of banks that is the problem, but rather the fact that government bonds have lost their status as risk-free assets.
(50) TOKYO Dec 30 (Reuters) - Japanese government bonds edged higher on Wednesday on the last trading day of 2009, supported by buying by investors tweaking their portfolios at the end of the month.
(51) Buying assets beyond government bonds requires a change in the fund's Articles of Agreement, which demands parliamentary ratification in many of the IMF's 185 member countries.
(52) A shift out of government bonds to equities in itself is not a worrying phenomenon, with investors who have a bigger risk tolerance chasing higher-yielding assets.
(53) U.S. stocks extended their gains after the ISM data, which was not as weak as expected. Government bonds, which generally benefit from weak economic data, fell to session lows after the ISM report.
(54) Treasury Department earlier this year, the statistical discrepancy, said US-Japan more than China has become the largest holders of government bonds.
(55) Insurers invest large chunks of the premiums they receive from customers in government bonds, usually considered risk-free, but now some of these have been hit by the euro zone's debt woes.
(56) Meanwhile, government pension funds have more flexibility to invest in other assets besides government bonds.
(56) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(57) It would stop selling gold and keep on buying Zimbabwean government bonds.
(58) The Federal Reserve is buying up all kinds other assets, like long - term government bonds.
(59) By contrast, in America institutional investors remain overweight equities underweight government bonds.
(60) German federal government bonds issued with maturities of up to 30 years.
(61) Most government bonds are marketed to big institutional investors such as banks.
(62) Arguably, that fantasy Deutschmark died early on May 10th, when a euro-zone bail-out mechanism was agreed and the European Central Bank started buying government bonds by the bucketload.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:01:03