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单词 crown jewel
释义  ˌcrown ˈjewel noun [countable]  1. the crown jewels the crown, sword, jewels etc worn by a king or queen for official ceremonies 御宝〔国王或王后参加典礼时佩戴的王冠、宝剑、珠宝等〕2  the best or most valuable thing that a person or place has 最为宝贵的东西 Innsbruck’s crown jewel is the old town centre. 因斯布鲁克的明珠是它的老城区。Examples from the Corpuscrown jewel• Innsbruck's crown jewel is the old town center.• The petrochemical division of Pemex was seen as the crown jewel of the privatization frenzy.• But the crown jewel of the disk is the 25-minute Clarinet Concerto, by Richard Faith.ˌcrown ˈjewel nounChineseSyllable  worn the sword, etc by crown, Corpus jewels




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