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单词 along
释义  a·long1 /əˈlɒŋ $ əˈlɒːŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  FORWARDgoing forward 向前 I was driving along, thinking about Chris. 我一边开车,一边想着克里斯。 a group of children walking along in a line 排着队向前走的一群孩子2  go/come along GO TO/ATTENDto go or come to a place where something is happening 一起去/来 You’re welcome to come along if you like. 你愿意的话可以一起去。 I think I’ll go along and watch the game. 我想一起去看比赛。3  take/bring somebody/something along WITHto take someone or something with you to a place 带某人/某物一起去/来 Mandy brought some of her friends along. 曼迪带了她的几个朋友来。 Why don’t you take your guitar along? 你为什么不把吉他带上呢?4  be/come along to arrive 到来 Another bus should be along in a minute. 下一辆公共汽车应该一会儿就到。 Every so often, a band comes along that changes music history. 偶尔会出现一支能改写音乐史的乐队。5  come/go/get along to improve, develop, or make progress 进展,发展;进步 After a five-hour operation, Wendy is coming along just fine. 经过五个小时的手术,温迪恢复得很不错。6  along with somebody/something WITHtogether with someone or something else 与某人/某物一起 Dunne was murdered, along with three guards. 邓恩与三名卫兵一起被谋杀。7  all along all the time from the beginning, while something was happening 一直,自始至终 They should have known all along that she was lying. 他们应该从一开始就知道她在撒谎。Examples from the Corpusalong• He showed me the notes he had made as we went along.• A door banged several yards along.• It was not a big deal: all the unions were expected to go along.• For five minutes she is moving along as usual.• I stay a few feet behind, watching the three of them shuffle along at a ten-month-old's pace.• I was driving along, listening to the radio.• When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.• They had enjoyed each other's company over the last hour, hacking along the foreshore of the estuary.• I did not persuade or influence him; he intended all along to stick it out until the end.• I spent more time with the law, along with family, in a general, small practice.along2 ●●● S1 W1 preposition  1  from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of it 顺着,沿着 We were driving along Follyfoot Road. 我们沿着福莱福特路行驶。 She glanced anxiously along the line of faces. 她焦急地扫视着这一排面孔。 He slid his hand along her arm. 他的手顺着她的臂膀滑下。2  NEXT TOforming a line beside something long 沿着…的边缘,沿着…旁边 The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind. 沿岸的棕榈树在风中摇曳。 the toolbar along the top of your screen 屏幕最上方的工具栏 There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue. 宾夕法尼亚大道一路上都是欢呼的人群。3  NEXT TOa particular distance away, on or beside something long such as a line, road, edge etc 在沿…的某处 Hugo’s house was about two hundred yards away along the main street. 雨果的家在沿大街过去约两百码的地方。 The bathroom is just along (=a short distance along) the corridor. 浴室就在走廊边上。4  along the way/line during a process or experience, or during someone’s life 在…过程[经历]中;在生活道路上 I’ve been lucky, but I’ve had my share of heartbreak along the way. 我很幸运,但这一路走来也有过心碎的经历。Examples from the Corpusalong• The Rif Mountains were visible as we sailed along the African coast.• Troops were stationed all along the border.• Walk along the canal as far as the bridge.• We took a walk along the river.• We followed the path along the shore for several miles.• They put up a fence along the sidewalk.• Wild strawberries grew along the trail.• The Martins' house is somewhere along this road.all along• He has been polite to Paul all along.• It was something he knew all along.• That has been my position all along.• They probably thought I was crazy all along.• It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker.• The guns were all along the river bank as far as I could see.• Grant arrived on the battlefield to find the Federals under heavy pressure all along their front.• We told Kelly all along what the doctors were saying.just along• I was just along for the ride.• It's just along from Brighton's Naturist Beach where you can indulge in the luxury of an all-over tan.• We took the light out, just along from the stop, so it was good and dark.• And it must have stirred memories for his father, Colin, sitting just along from Venables in the Maine Road.• This was a small creek forming a marina, just along the convoluted coastline from Valletta.• On the next floor lay their separate rooms, just along the corridor from each other, as Guido had already pointed out.• His office was just along the corridor from where Wanless now sits in his ornately furnished chief executive's eyrie.• Ambulance came - took us to the London Hospital - only just along the road ...Origin along2 Old English andlang, from and- “against” + lang “long”a·long1 adverbalong2 prepositionChineseSyllable   Corpus going forward




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