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单词 alone
释义  ldoce_702_za·lone /əˈləʊn $ əˈloʊn/ ●●● S2 W1 adjective [not before noun], adverb  1  ALONEif you are alone in a place, there is no one with you 单独,独自 SYN by yourself She lives alone. 她一个人生活。 You shouldn’t leave a child alone in the house. 你不应该把小孩独自留在家里。 My wife and I like to spend time alone together away from the kids. 我和妻子喜欢没有孩子打扰,过二人世界。 RegisterIn everyday English, people often say by yourself or on your own rather than alone: 在日常英语中,人们常说by yourself或on your own,而不说aloneShe lives by herself/on her own. 她一个人生活。2  ALONEwithout any friends or people you know 孤身一人的,无伴的 It was scary being all alone in a strange city. 孤身一人在陌生的城市中很可怕。 She was all alone in the world (=she had no family or friends to help her or look after her). 她在这世界上孑然一身。3  ALONEfeeling unhappy and lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 I cried like a child because I felt so alone. 我感到很孤独,像个孩子似的哭了起来。4  without any help from other people 独力,单独 He was left to raise their two children alone. 只留下他独力抚养他们的两个孩子。5  EMPHASIZEwithout including anything else 仅仅,单,只 The case will cost thousands of pounds in legal fees alone. 这个案子仅律师费一项就要数千英镑。6  you/he etc alone ONLYused to emphasize that there is only one person who knows, can do something etc 只有你/他等 Julie alone knew the truth. 只有朱莉一个人知道真相。7  go it alone INDEPENDENT PERSONto start working or living on your own, especially after working or living with other people 单独行动,独自干;独立出去生活 After years of working for a big company I decided to go it alone. 在一家大公司工作多年后,我决定自己单干。8  leave somebody alone  (also let somebody alone old-fashioned)INTERFERE to stop annoying or interrupting someone 不打扰某人,不去烦某人 ‘Leave me alone!’ she screamed. “别烦我!”她尖叫道。9  leave something alone  (also let something alone old-fashioned)TOUCH to stop touching an object or changing something 不要碰某物;不改变某事物 Leave those cakes alone. They’re for the guests. 别动那些蛋糕,那是给客人吃的。leave well (enough) alone (=not change something that is satisfactory) 维持令人满意的现状 In economic matters, they should leave well alone. 在经济问题上,他们一动不如一静。10  be yours/hers/his etc alone used to emphasize that something belongs to someone 是你/她/他等一个人的〔用于强调〕 The responsibility is yours and yours alone. 责任全是你一个人的。11  not be alone in (doing) something ONLYto not be the only person to do something 并不只是…一个人做某事 You’re not alone in feeling upset, believe me. 相信我,并不只是你一个人感到生气。12  stand alone ALONE a) to be strong and independent 坚强独立 the courage to stand alone 坚强独立的勇气 b) to be at a distance from other objects or buildings 孤立,独处 The house stood alone at the end of the road. 那幢房子孤零零地矗立在路的尽头。n THESAURUS – Meaning 4: without any help from other peopleon your own/by yourself without help from anyone elseI can’t move the bed on my own.See if you can work out the answer by yourself. | all on your own/all by yourself (=used when you feel impressed or feel sympathy for someone)Did you paint this picture all on your own?It’s not fair that she does everything all by herself.alone without any help from anyone else. Alone is more formal and less common than on your own or by yourselfPolice believe the killer acted alone.independently without asking for help or advice from anyoneStudents are taught to work independently.One day she will have to live independently without the support of her family.unaided without the help of anyone or anything – used especially about people who are very weak, ill etcHe is unable to breathe unaided.After treatment, he was able to go up and down stairs unaided.single-handedly doing something difficult or impressive without help from anyone elseShe single-handedly reformed the entire system. solo by one person, not a groupLindbergh’s solo flight across the Atlantic OceanShe is planning to release a solo album.He sang and played the song solo.lone adjective [only before noun] doing something alone – used especially in the following phrases: a lone gunmanPolice say the attack was carried out by a lone gunman.The government should do more to help lone parents (=who raise a child alone).self-made adjective someone who has become very rich or successful without help from anyone else: a self-made man/millionaire/businessman etcLike most self-made men, he was extremely self-confident.5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpusalone• Dorothy lives alone.• Stevenson alone is to blame.• Kim traveled alone through Europe.• It's an expensive place - lunch alone was $20.• The price alone was enough to make me change my mind.• He felt terribly alone when June left.alone together• Then father and son were alone together.• We want to enjoy our time alone together.• And on most of the occasions when they had been alone together he hadn't let a chance slip by.• We spent many hours alone together in that cottage.• Suddenly they found themselves alone together in the room.• The two men were alone together indoors and I was on the terrace.• But we are alone together now, much of the time.• They had not been alone together since Durkin had gone to Belfast six months ago.• When we were alone together, we were rather shy with each other, tacitly agreeing to abandon the stand-up routine.all alone• Charles couldn't leave Dad to face it all alone.• I am so happy to see you, for here I pass my days all alone.• There is no greater threat in life than that we will be deserted, left all alone.• Paul, all alone, a forty-minute ride.• Ralph is now all alone against Jack's hunters, who tower above upon Castle Rock.• Nothing else in existence whatsoever, but there, all alone and larger than life, a huge carrot.• There in the dark, little Peter all alone, and the words made noise in his head and kept him company.• She had borne it all alone, not knowing it wasn't true.felt so alone• He had never felt so alone.• I know it sounds like Hollywood, but I've never felt so alone.• The station was practically empty of people and Emily felt so alone as she stepped on to the train.• Driving away into the city streets, she'd never felt so alone or so friendless in her entire life.• She felt so alone, so very frightened of the future and all the challenges it held.Origin alone (1200-1300) all one “wholly one”a·lone adjective →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  you if alone in a are Corpus place, is there




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