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单词 creditworthy
释义  Related topics: Loanscred·it·wor·thy /ˈkredətˌwɜːði $ -ˌwɜːr-/ adjective formal  BFLconsidered to be able to pay debts 信用可靠的,有还款能力的 creditworthy borrowers 信用可靠的借款人 —creditworthiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscreditworthy• As a result, banks want to lend money only to the most creditworthy.• After 1982, the Third World debt crisis also turned banks towards the home market in the search for creditworthy borrowers.• This encourages them to chase higher returns by lending to less creditworthy borrowers.• A recession causes many reliable creditworthy consumers to go under; how safe will new and existing scoring systems now be?• Firstly, loan demand must come from creditworthy customers who can guarantee loan repayment at a future date.• The easiest and best time to get this money from your banker is when you are still perceived as a creditworthy employee.• Subsequently they will pay between 7 and 11 per cent, depending on how creditworthy they are.From Longman Business Dictionarycreditworthycred‧it‧wor‧thy /ˈkredətˌwɜːði-ˌwɜːr-/ adjectiveECONOMICSBANKING if a country, business, or individual is creditworthy, they are in a good position financially and have a good record of paying back loans on time, so institutions can lend money to them with confidence that the money will be paid backBanks are reluctant to lend except to the most creditworthy borrowers. —creditworthiness noun [uncountable]There were doubts about the airline’s creditworthiness following reports that it was having difficulty repaying some of its loans.cred·it·wor·thy adjectiveChineseSyllable  be to able pay Corpus Business to debts considered




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