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单词 cramped
释义  cramped /kræmpt/ ●○○ adjective  1  SMALLa cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it 狭窄的,狭小的 → crowded The kitchen was small and cramped. 这间厨房又小又窄。 a cramped apartment 狭小的公寓套房 The troops slept in cramped conditions with up to 20 in a single room. 士兵们睡在拥挤的环境里,一个房间多达20人。► see thesaurus at small →4  See picture of 见图 SPACIOUS2  (also cramped up)SMALL unable to move properly and feeling uncomfortable because there is not enough space 〔因空间不够而〕受限制的,拥挤的 cramped muscles 挤得发麻的肌肉3. WRITEwriting that is cramped is very small and difficult to read 〔字迹〕小而难认的,密密麻麻的Examples from the Corpuscramped• I couldn't sleep on the plane - it was too cramped.• It was bare, cramped and impersonal.• Conditions on board ship were extremely cramped and uncomfortable.• I couldn't wait to move out of my cramped apartment.• You rest your cramped arms for a moment and push again.• It was hot, airless, badly lit, and generally had a cramped below-decks feel to it.• The troops have to sleep in cramped conditions on the floor with up to 20 in a single room.• The cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain.• I hated working in that cramped little office.• cramped living conditions• Five workers were packed into a cramped office.• They worked from cramped offices near the main station.• I was becoming cramped on my branch but daren't move a muscle.• By comparison with trying to sleep on the cramped seating of today's long-haul flights it was luxury indeed.• We all felt stiff from having been cramped up in the back of the car for so long.cramped conditions• I see people in very cramped conditions.• My place was not suitable, as I was living rather far out beyond Magdalen in more cramped conditions.• Yet, there is a lesson to be learned from such cramped conditions of cultural creativity.• The troops have to sleep in cramped conditions on the floor with up to 20 in a single room.• Headteacher Terry Anderson said staff had been struggling in the cramped conditions since the school was opened in 1985.cramped adjectiveChinese  a etc room, does have cramped building not Corpus




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