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单词 crackle
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundscrack·le /ˈkrækəl/ ●○○ verb [intransitive]  CSOUNDto make repeated short sounds like something burning in a fire 发劈啪声 logs crackling on the fire 劈啪作响燃烧着的木头 An announcement crackled over the tannoy. 扩音机里吱吱嘎嘎地播出一则通知。 —crackle noun [countable] —crackly adjective→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscrackle• The logs in the Adam-style open fireplace crackled.• He was silent for some time, as the fire crackled.• In the living-room, a huge fire was crackling away.• His radio crackles back with nothing but static.• It crackled for a moment and then fell silent.• There was a fire crackling in the big fireplace.• The wooden beams and ceiling were crackling in the extreme heat.• Singed needles only add to the celebration because they crackle like sparklers and give off the pungent aroma of the evergreen woods.• A log crackled on the fire.• Welcome to St. Petersburg, a voice crackled over the intercom.• He put logs on the fire and the flames crackled up.• The story of the Unabomber crackles with the raw mystery and tension of a cops-and-robbers potboiler.Origin crackle (1500-1600) crackcrack·le verbChineseSyllable  to Corpus make sounds something repeated like short




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