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单词 council house
释义  ˈcouncil house noun [countable] British English  TCBa house in Britain that is provided by the local council for a very low rent 〔英国地方议会提供的〕市建住房,廉租公房Examples from the Corpuscouncil house• The council have a very strict rule that homeless people are only allowed one offer of a council house.• Darlington council house rents will rise by £2.85 from April an average increase of 14 percent.• She was a former council tenant who had already bought her council house.• In short, the ration book would have become a national institution like the council house.• For twelve days and nights they kept me tightly bound in their council house.ˈcouncil house nounChineseSyllable  a Britain house is provided that by in Corpus




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