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单词 paid-up
释义  ˌpaid-ˈup adjective British English informal  1  a fully paid-up member of something informal CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYif someone is a fully paid-up member of a particular group, they strongly support what that group likes or believes in 某个团体的忠实分子 a fully paid-up member of the celebrity circuit 名流圈子里的忠实一员2  paid-up member informal PAY FORsomeone who has paid the money needed to be a member of a club, political party etc 已缴纳会[党]费的会[党]员 The competition is open to all paid-up members of the Women’s Institute. 妇女协会所有已缴纳会费的会员都可以参加该竞赛。Examples from the Corpuspaid-up• For 30 years, he was a paid-up and apparently loyal supporter of its policies.• Equitable does not allow paid-up contracts, so policyholders have to encash their plans or continue to make contributions.• Most have spent all their sentient life as paid-up devotees, and the glib phrases soon roll off the tongue.• The hotel is more paid-up luxury.• Listen to that big-mouthed gilgul, acting like she's a fully paid-up member of the team.• The Campaign now has more paid-up members than it did at the height of the 1970s real ale revival.• Stone was then, as now, a fully paid-up Thatcher supporter, and a tireless polemicist.ˌpaid-ˈup adjectiveChineseSyllable  if Corpus a is paid-up member fully someone of




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