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单词 coronary thrombosis
释义  ˌcoronary thromˈbosis noun [countable, uncountable]  a disease which causes someone’s heart to suddenly stop working, because the flow of blood to it has been blocked by a small piece of solid blood 冠状动脉血栓形成 SYN coronaryExamples from the Corpuscoronary thrombosis• A coronary thrombosis, the doctor had called it.• He gave up his business interests in 1958, when he was partially incapacitated by coronary thrombosis.• After some time he died, coronary thrombosis.• Some of his experiments suggested that high levels of processed sugar could lead to coronary thrombosis, diabetes and heart disease.ˌcoronary thromˈbosis nounChineseSyllable  suddenly someone’s heart Corpus to causes a disease stop which




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