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单词 coo
释义  Related topics: Birdscoo1 /kuː/ verb  1. [intransitive]HBB when doves or pigeons coo, they make a low soft cry 〔鸽子等〕咕咕地叫2  [intransitive, transitive]SAY to make soft quiet sounds, or to speak in a soft quiet way 低声细语,轻柔地说 ‘Darling, ’ she cooed. “亲爱的。”她柔声说道。 a cooing voice 轻声细语的嗓音 —coo noun [countable] → bill and coo at bill2(3)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscoo• The baby cooed as I held her.• Other parents feel drained, with little emotional energy to devote to smiling and cooing at a seemingly uninterested child.• We all watched as Alice stopped to coo at two canaries in a silver cage on the porch.• After recovering from an attack of shallow breathing he recovered and one nurse said he was smiling and cooing in his cot.• And, according to the radio, doves were cooing in the Kremlin.• So the guards helped him down, cooing still.• A maid, Nancy Brown, was appointed to wait on her and hairdressers hovered over her cooing their praises.• He spoke of pretty girls cooing to him on college campuses and of assistant coaches questioning his manhood.coo2 interjection British English  SURPRISEDused to express surprise 啊,呀〔表示惊讶〕 Coo! That must have cost a lot! 啊,那一定花了很多钱!From Longman Business DictionaryCOOCOO HUMAN RESOURCESabbreviation for chief operating officer → see under officerOrigin coo (1600-1700) From the sound coo2 (1900-2000) Natural soundcoo1 verbcoo2 interjectionChinese  when they or coo, doves Business a make pigeons Corpus




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