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单词 convey
释义  Related topics: Lawcon·vey /kənˈveɪ/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  EXPRESSto communicate or express something, with or without using words 表达,传递,传达 All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. 所有这些信息可以通过一张简单的图表来表示。 Ads convey the message that thin is beautiful. 广告传递的信息是: 瘦就是美。 He was sent to convey a message to the UN Secretary General. 他被派去向联合国秘书长传达一条信息。convey something to somebody I want to convey to children that reading is one of life’s greatest treats. 我想告诉孩子们,阅读是生活中最大的乐趣之一。convey a sense/an impression/an idea etc You don’t want to convey the impression that there’s anything illegal going on. 你总不会想让人家觉得在干什么违法的事吧。2  formalTAKE/BRING to take or carry something from one place to another 传送,输送,运送 Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi. 你的行李将由出租车送到酒店。3. SCL law to legally change the possession of property from one person to another 转让〔财产〕n COLLOCATIONSnounsconvey informationYour movements also convey information to people.convey a message (=express an important idea – used about books, films, art etc)Do you think the poem conveys a message about society?convey a sense/an impression of somethingThe music conveys a senses of sadness and despair.convey an ideaArt can be used to convey an idea.convey an imageAt an interview, make sure your clothes convey the right image.convey a feelingHow could he convey his feelings for her?convey meaningChildren sometimes find it easier to use pictures to convey meaning, rather than words.adverbsclearly convey somethingHis tone of voice clearly conveyed his disgust.adequately convey somethingThe words did not adequately convey how strongly she felt.effectively convey somethingThe novel effectively conveys some of the country’s problems.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconvey• They may also find one or two of the papers unnecessarily long for the points they convey.• I suggest that these parents look long and hard at the messages they have been inadvertently conveying about reading.• His office conveyed an impression of efficiency and seriousness.• Even his description of Oswiu's overlordship in Britain may convey an inflated impression of military activity under Oswiu.• His tone conveyed an unmistakable warning.• The guard was charged with conveying drugs to a prison inmate.• Her blond hair and blue eyes convey her Swedish origins.• The descriptions of weapons, commanders and tactics are much too brief to convey historical competence.• Just how did they function in conveying meaning?• I tried to convey my sympathy by touching her hand.• How to convey the battle scene posed a problem.• Instead the class used percussion music to convey the clash between the two armies.• Migliore was clearly eager to convey the message that all would now be well, according to Orr.• The blood is conveyed to the heart from the veins.• A crack had developed in one of the main cooling pipes which are used to convey water.convey ... message• A language is often defined as a conventional system for communication, a system for conveying messages.• Some elements lay the foundation on which other elements may convey a message.• Some students would be interested in the way the medium is used to convey a message.• The names bestowed on stations equally convey a message.• The whole body may be conveying a message.• Instead of conveying a message in a straight forward way, the pathetic order allows the speaker to add an emotional layer to it.• The poem does convey a message, though the message can not be at every point decoded.• This is particularly relevant to non-ELT materials since they were produced to convey a message to a particular audience.Origin convey (1300-1400) Old French conveier “to go with someone to a place”, from Vulgar Latin conviare, from Latin com- ( → COM-) + via “way”con·vey verb →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  communicate Corpus words with without using or to something, express or




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