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单词 conundrum
释义  co·nun·drum /kəˈnʌndrəm/ noun [countable]  1  PROBLEMa confusing and difficult problem 难题,复杂难解的问题 the conundrum of our purpose on Earth 我们为何目的活在世上这一难题2. JOKEa trick question asked for fun 智力谜语 SYN riddleExamples from the Corpusconundrum• Skymaster is stuck in a conundrum that affects a lot of electronic information services.• This is partly a humid, faintly Graham Greene-like love story, partly a conundrum about opaque and enigmatic behaviour.• King remains a conundrum, a man of both major strengths and serious character flaws.• This is not merely a curious conundrum.• The administration is facing a familiar conundrum.• It was the moral conundrum that defined our home.• This broader problem touched on such philosophical conundrums as who we are and what our place is in the universe.• The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles, conundrums and endless interpretations.• So far he had found no way to resolve the conundrum facing·nun·drum nounChineseSyllable  and difficult confusing problem a Corpus




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