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单词 control room
释义  conˈtrol room noun [countable]  CONTROLthe room that a process, service, large machine, factory etc is controlled from 控制室 the submarine’s control room 潜艇的控制室Examples from the Corpuscontrol room• In the immediate vicinity, sensitive monitors relay readings back to the central control room.• The competition, in its eighth year, was organised by Wytch Farm control room operator Dave Handley.• The satellite's launch brought cheers from the mission control room.• You see engineers in the control room.• This interface takes its physical form in the control room.• In accordance with local procedures, he had locked the control room door to prevent unauthorised access.• A visitor to the control room of this nuclear missile submarine might pass it by without a second thought.• Unlike radio, the anchor / readers do not have to be in eye contact with the control room.conˈtrol room nounChineseSyllable  that room machine, a service, Corpus the large process, factory




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